enews - Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities

GCDD e-news - December 2019

GCDD E news 1705

A Digital Newsletter from the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities    •   December 2019

In This Issue:

Eric Jacobson photo

A Message from the Executive Director

It seems like everywhere we turn, politically themed images are staring us in the face. They’re on TV, social media and billboards. We can’t escape them. We are in the middle of a presidential campaign, and in Georgia, the beginning of a campaign to elect every member of the Georgia General Assembly and members of US Congress. Regardless of party affiliation, politics are indeed everywhere.

GCDD has also been everywhere this fall. In fact, there has been a lot going on in our community since my last column. First, we helped get the word out about a series of family forums hosted by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD) across the state. During the forums, DBHDD heard from the constituents about services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Next, hundreds gathered in Athens for the Georgia APSE 2019 Training Conference to discuss increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities in Georgia.

Finally, GCDD has been hard at work planning for the 2020 legislative session and subsequent elections. Since politics is slated to be at the forefront of the national and statewide stages in 2020, we are preparing for a big year. One of the ways in which we are preparing includes the return of Advocacy Days. Be sure to read more below about how to get involved at the Capitol, starting in January.

As another way to gear up for elections, GCDD was recently invited to participate in a discussion about people with disabilities and the ability to vote. Many are concerned that moving to strictly paper ballots will make voting inaccessible to many people with disabilities. For example, if you can’t see what’s on the paper, reach the paper or write on the paper, then how can you vote?

The introduction of electronic ballot machines years ago meant that many people with disabilities could vote for the very first time without assistance. Still, others say that these machines are not secure and vulnerable to cybersecurity threats such as hacking. I am not adequately convinced of a solution, but I do know that we must continue the work of making sure that anyone, including individuals with disabilities who want to vote, are able to do so. We must also be mindful that many people with disabilities want to do this independently and not with the assistance of someone else. 

This is an important time for all of us to make our voices heard. Make sure you are registered and prepared to vote, regardless of how difficult it may seem. This is your chance to have your voice heard. (Tip: Check your voter registration status, apply for mail-in voting, find your polling location and more via the Georgia Secretary of State’s My Voter Page.)

Check out GCDD’s website and join our advocacy network so that you can stay informed. We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter. Let us know your thoughts and comments about the magazine by writing to Managing Editor, Hillary Hibben, at hillary [DOT] hibben [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov.

Public Policy for the People: 2020 Advocacy Days are Here!

GCDD Advocacy Days LogoPublic Policy for the People provides public policy updates as it pertains to people with disabilities here in Georgia.

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for 2020 Advocacy Days: January 29, February 6, February 19, February 27 and March 11!

Join GCDD at the Capitol during the 2020 legislative session to learn about policies affecting people with disabilities, and join advocates from across the state in speaking with elected officials about these very important issues. We need your help to educate Georgia’s lawmakers about topics that affect our community.

What to expect at each Advocacy Day: Each day kicks off at 8 a.m. at the Central Presbyterian Church, across from the Gold Dome, where leaders from GCDD and other organizations will train and teach advocates how to approach legislators, make connections and discuss the topics that are important to you. After the interactive training, advocates and leaders will head over to the Gold Dome to meet with legislators.

Register for 2020 Advocacy Days.

Become an Advocacy Day Team Lead!Become a Team Lead for Advocacy Days

GCDD is seeking team leads for its 2020 Advocacy Days! Geared at preparing advocates to take a leadership role at the annual advocacy event, team lead volunteers will learn how to navigate the Georgia State Capitol and support attendees in speaking with their legislators. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in honing their advocacy skills and leading others to raise their voices!

Team leads will earn $100 per each Advocacy Day for which they volunteer. Each individual must complete one training and fulfill all the responsibilities as determined by GCDD's public policy team.

Kayla Rodriguez PhotoKayla Rodriguez

Meet Our New Intern, Kayla Rodriguez

GCDD is thrilled to welcome Kayla Rodriguez to our team! As an intern in our communications and public policy departments, Kayla assists leadership on such initiatives as content creation, administrative support and more.

Earlier in 2019, Kayla participated in GCDD’s 2019 Advocacy Days where she learned about public policy issues, as well as how to identify and build relationships with her legislators. It is during this experience that she also learned more about problems facing the disability community and how people can advocate to solve them.

“My experience during Advocacy Days really helped lay the foundation of what I’d be doing in my internship,” Kayla said. “I left that experience feeling equipped and prepared to advocate for change.”

Overall, Kayla has worked professionally in disability advocacy for three years. She became familiar with the world of disability advocacy through the Autistic Self-Advocacy Network (ASAN) and hopes to work toward improving the lives of future generations.

Prior to joining GCDD, Kayla collaborated with some of Georgia’s most prominent leaders in the disability community. After high school, she joined the Bobby Dodd Institute’s Ambassador Program where she trained under disability advocate Kylie Moore. Through this program, Kayla met Mark Crenshaw, a director at the Center for Leadership in Disability at Georgia State University. She worked alongside Mark as a participant in the Georgia Leadership Education of Neurodevelopmental Disabilities Program (GaLEND). Through GaLEND, Kayla was introduced to My Voice. My Participation. My Board, a leadership and advocacy program, where she trained under training and advocacy specialist Molly Tucker.

Kayla continues to hone her leadership skills as the vice president and chief ambassador of Autistic Self-Advocacy Atlanta, an affiliate group of ASAN. She is also involved with the Atlanta Autism Consortium and co-created the Emory Patient-Centered Outcome Research Institute on Young Women on the Autism Spectrum Group with Dr. Susan Brasher from Emory University.

Originally from New York, Kayla lived in Florida and Virginia before settling in Georgia nearly seven years ago. Outside the office, Kayla enjoys video games, animation, rock/indie music, YouTube and hanging out with friends.

“My favorite part of being at GCDD is how kind and understanding everyone is and how calm the work environment is,” said Kayla. “I’m excited to be an intern here and look forward to making a difference!”

National Federation of the Blind Georgia logo

GCDD Honored by BELL Academy

In a hotel conference room sprinkled with a selection of non-visual toys and adapted board games, Raveena Alli typed out her name on a braille typewriter. Alli, a 13-year-old student mentor, started attending the BELL Academy to practice braille literacy skills when she was four years old. She was wearing a Ruth Bader Ginsberg shirt at the National Federation of the Blind of Georgia’s (NFBGA) 2019 state convention.

“There are things you do differently as a blind person,” Alli said while she demonstrated. “Things you wouldn’t even think about as a sighted person.”

On Oct. 5, the NFBGA honored the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) as a platinum-level sponsor and consistent supporter of the BELL Academy at its 2019 state convention in Augusta. BELL stands for “braille enrichment for literacy and learning,” and the academy is a week-long, immersive summer program that offers blind and low-vision young people a social and educational environment to learn fundamental literacy skills.

Olmstead Mark JohnsonMonopoly Board adapted for use by the blind.Seventeen students attended the NFBGA’s 2019 BELL Academy, which took place at Columbus State University this summer. Braille literacy and other non-visual skills have a profound effect on blind people’s abilities to learn, work and live fully. The residential camp includes a rigorous academic program, but organizers also make time for field trips, socialization and fun — all meant to build self-confidence and self-determination.

GCDD is involved with the funding and coordination of efforts like BELL across the state. Students get to keep most everything they are provided with during the program, including games and tactile sketch pads that help students conceptualize and learn by drawing. While recognizing GCDD at the convention with a speech and plaque, Jackie Anderson, an instructor of blind students at the NFBGA who created the first BELL Academy in Maryland, stressed the work and funding that makes the program possible. Anderson called the council a friend who answers calls for help in a big way.

“Thank you for helping us provide our students with the skills they need so they can live the lives that they want,” Anderson said.

Cheers and applause for the students, donors and organizers filled the room, and the small audience briefly seemed much larger. Community partnership is crucial to the BELL program’s continued existence, level of service and growth.

The crowd applauded as NFBGA honored the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) at its 2019 state convention in Augusta.The crowd applauded as NFBGA honored the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) as a platinum-level sponsor and consistent supporter of the BELL Academy at its 2019 state convention in Augusta.Alli is too old for BELL now, but she continues with the program through BELLX, a local extension of the program where students continue their education and mentor their peers. Alli says that many blind kids don’t get access to the same level of resources and individualized instruction during the school year, and she appreciates BELLX for the chance to be with her peers and make a difference in younger kids’ lives.

“You need to have empathy, confidence and advocacy skills because the expectations for blind people right now are so low,” said Alli. “This gives us a chance to not only be proficient ourselves but take those things that we’re learning and use them for the greater good — to help younger kids who still have to learn braille.”

Family Forum photo A total of 384 people attended the DBHDD Forums.

Feeling Heard: Georgia Family Forums Achieve Their Goal

With the goal of gathering feedback from residents about the services they or their family members with intellectual or developmental disabilities (I/DD) receive, the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD), Division of Developmental Disabilities organized five public forums in September and October. 

A total of 384 people attended the forums held in Marietta, Lawrenceville, Macon, Savannah and online.

Family Forum photoDBHDD received insight directly from forum attendees which they will use to guide future decisions.The idea behind the forums was to increase collaboration with community stakeholders. DBHDD believes it is essential for families to have not only the opportunity to learn about the resources available but also have a voice, ask questions and share concerns. Rita Young and Associates organized the forums in collaboration with DBHDD.

Forum discussions covered the New Options Waiver Program (NOW) and the Comprehensive Supports (COMP) Waiver Programs, as well as the new Individualized Service Plan (ISP) and the I/DD Connects Portal for Family Access, both of which went live on August 19, 2019. Other topics included crisis services; competitive, integrated employment; electronic visit verification; and Georgia STABLE accounts.

The forums focused on the direction of services for individuals with I/DD in Georgia and provided attendees an opportunity to meet the DBHDD division director, Ron Wakefield, and his staff, including Amy Riedesel, Director of Community Services, and Ashleigh Henneberger, Director of Waiver Services.

Olmstead Mark JohnsonAttendees were glad to get the opportunity to be heard.

With an additional forum goal of increasing collaboration with community stakeholders, “The family forums created a space that allowed everyone to have a seat at the table. I’m honored to have the opportunity to listen and learn from individuals and their families all over the great state of Georgia,” said Wakefield. 

DBHDD explained the insight received directly from families was very valuable and will help guide future decisions within the Division of DD. In addition, the agency learned about system barriers and suggestions on how to address those barriers. The goal of hearing directly from families about what’s working for them and recommendations for areas for improvement was met. One key insight DBHDD heard was individuals value the services they have and want to continue to have both access and choice regarding their services. One Lawrenceville attendee’s evaluation of the forum was, “It was wonderful to ‘feel heard’.”

Plans by the DBHDD for the future include:

  • Having a clinical contributor for correspondence, informing providers and families of the services and trends related to I/DD services and supports. 
  • Providing a developer of content that promotes skills of health advocacy, targeting members of support systems of individuals with I/DD.
  • Developing clinical partner participation in initiatives, promoting access to clinical resources.

For more information about what was presented at the family forums, the PowerPoint, as well as frequently asked questions (FAQs), is posted on the DBHDD website.

Calendar Spotlight


Wednesday, January 29
Thursday, February 6
Wednesday, February 19
Thursday, February 27
Wednesday, March 11
8 AM - 12:15 PM
Central Presbyterian Church
201 Washington St SW, Atlanta, GA 30334

GCDD e-news - December 2020

GCDD E news 1705

A Digital Newsletter from the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities   •   December 2020

In This Issue:

Eric Jacobson, a white man, wears glasses and smiles at the camera. He is bald-headed, with a graying beard and wears a dark suit.

A Message from the Executive Director

On November 3, Americans went to polls, and it appears that Joe Biden has been elected the next president of the United States. While we await his inauguration, many of us have questions about his policies for people with disabilities and who he may appoint to fill the many jobs that will impact people with disabilities. In addition, for those of us in Georgia we still have not elected anyone to the U.S. Senate. The runoff for these offices will be January 5, 2021, and through this vote, Georgians will determine who has control over the U.S. Senate.

The Georgia Disability Vote Partnership, a collaboration between several disability-focused organizations, began work immediately after the election. The partnership is working to get information from the candidates to share with you, and we are also working to share information with the candidates about issues important to people with disabilities and their families. Be on the alert for upcoming information and events from the partnership.

Almost immediately after the runoff on January 5, the Georgia General Assembly will begin meeting. Most of the General Assembly’s business will be done virtually, which means that if you have internet access, you may be able to listen in to meetings of the House or Senate and their committees. Also, GCDD will be hosting a series of virtual Advocacy Days to help you connect with your elected officials and talk with them about you and your families’ needs around employment, Medicaid waiver waiting lists and other supports.

GCDD thanks all those who participated in our town halls, surveys and focus groups related to the creation of our strategic plan. The information you provided was invaluable to staff and council members as we try and determine the direction GCDD will go with our financial and human resources. We hope to have a draft available to the public in late April or early May.

Finally, I want to introduce you to four new GCDD council members who were recently appointed by Governor Kemp. Governor Kemp appointed Wesley Ford (Jackson), Rena Harris (Lawrenceville), Nick Perry (Stone Mountain) and Lisa Newbern (Atlanta). We welcome them all and hope that you will reach out to them as your representatives to GCDD.

In addition, Evan Nodvin has been appointed as the interim chairperson of the council. Evan has served with GCDD for a number of years and has been a member of the executive committee. Evan will serve until a new chairperson is elected in January. Congratulations to Evan and the entire Nodvin family!

We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter, and we want to hear from you. Let us know your thoughts and comments by writing to Managing Editor Hillary Hibben at hillary [DOT] hibben [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov.

Public Policy for the People: The Race for the Runoff: All Eyes on Georgia

This graphic has a ballot box in the outline of the state of Georgia with the words “Vote in the GA Senate Runoff! January 5, 2021” and a red banner with “Race For the Runoff!” above the words “The Disability Vote Still Counts!”

— Alyssa Lee, PsyD, GCDD Public Policy Research and Development Director

Public Policy for the People provides public policy updates as it pertains to people with disabilities here in Georgia.

GCDD is calling on our advocates to make their voices heard once again! Although we just voted in the general election last month (in record numbers, by the way!), we have one more chance this election cycle to make sure we are involved in choosing who represents us at the federal level.

As you might have learned from local and national news, we’ve got an important US Senate runoff underway, and GCDD is here to try and answer all the important questions.

Q: So what is a runoff election and why do we need to vote for U.S. senators AGAIN?

We like to do things our own way here in Georgia, and our elections are no different. In Georgia, if a candidate does not get the majority of votes (that means 50 percent plus one vote), then the top two candidates go into a runoff, which is meant to give us one more chance to have our say by breaking a very important tie.

This year during the general election, no candidate, in either of the two senate races, received 50 percent of the vote, which is why we are being asked to vote once more.

Q: Okay, we have another vote. Why is this vote so important?

First, this vote is so important because we have the opportunity to elect BOTH of our federal senators, and we only have two federal senators from Georgia, which will make all the difference in how key supports and services are impacted. The saying “nothing about us without us” is critical during this election, and voting is our way of making sure we are represented!

These senate races have also received more attention than usual because the results will impact whether republicans or democrats have control of decision making in the US Senate. This means that we need to be informed on the candidates’ views so that we can make sure to vote for the person who will work best for what we want and need in our state.

Q: Wow, this vote is important! Who is running and what are they proposing for Georgia’s future?

Below are the candidates for each seat, as well as information on their platforms and voting records.

Sen. David Perdue headshotSen. David PerdueJohn Ossoff headshotJon OssoffSen. David Perdue (Republican-Incumbent) vs Jon Ossoff (Democrat)


Sen. Kelly Loeffler headshotSen. Kelly Loeffler

Rev. Raphael Warnock headshotRev. Raphael WarnockSen. Kelly Loeffler (Republican-Incumbent) vs Rev. Raphael Warnock (Democrat)


Q: Alright, we definitely know more about the candidates. When can we start voting?

Here are the important dates for you to keep in mind:

  • Monday, December 7: Voter registration deadline to vote in the federal runoff election
  • Monday, December 14: Advanced in-person (or early voting) begins for the general election runoff for federal offices
  • Tuesday, January 5, 2021: Federal Runoff Election Day

Q: We’re in the middle of the COVID19 pandemic. What if we don’t feel safe voting in person?

In Georgia, we are allowed to request an absentee ballot that allows us to vote by mail. Here is how to apply for one:

  1. Visit mvp.sos.ga.gov.
  2. Once there, you will need to enter information including your name, date of birth and county of residence.
  3. If you’re not registered, you can do so by supplying your driver's license or state ID number.
  4. Applications can be completed online or printed and mailed in.

Once you get your absentee ballot and fill it out, you can mail it in, but remember, your ballot must be received by 7 p.m. on Tuesday, January 5 to be counted!

If you have worries that your ballot might not make it in time, some counties allow you to easily drop it off at a secure drop box location. If you use a drop box, the drop box MUST be located in the county in which you are registered to vote. You can find the best drop box location for you by contacting your county government. If your county does not have a drop box, you might be able to turn your ballot in in-person at your county Board of Registrations and Elections office.

In conclusion, we hope you feel like a more informed voter! If you have any issues and need additional assistance, especially if you plan to vote in person on January 5, here are a few key resources:


email graphic of blue envelope with @ in centerGCDD Public Policy Team
Public Policy Research & Development Director Dr. Alyssa Lee: alyssa [DOT] lee [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov
Legislative Advocacy Director Charlie Miller: charles [DOT] miller [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov 

Public Policy for the People: Advocacy Days 2021  Advocacy Days logo is a circle with the center a graphic of the capitol with a yellow dome surrounded by the words “Advocacy Days” in green at the top and "GCDD" in blue at the bottom with 2 green circles, the accessible logo and a service dog

— Alyssa Lee, PsyD, GCDD Public Policy Research and Development Director

Advocates, it is almost that time of year again where we all work to make our voices heard during Georgia’s legislative session. Traditionally, GCDD has hosted five Advocacy Days each session, which are opportunities for people with developmental disabilities and their allies to learn about important issues to the disability community. Attendees also learn how to participate in the legislative process by connecting with their legislators.

Typically, our Advocacy Days have been in-person events where advocates can meet their legislators at “the ropes” of the Georgia State Capitol; however, COVID-19 has created an environment that makes in-person advocacy currently unsafe. As a result, GCDD is moving our well-attended, in-person advocacy days online! Rather than our typical five events, we will have three virtual events that include a full agenda, including background and context on the issue of the day; training on how to advocate; and opportunities to interact with legislators.

In addition to our Virtual Advocacy Days, we will also host our first virtual Advocate Awards ceremony after the legislative session as a way to celebrate the hard work of each of our advocates during the 2021 legislative session!

Here are our current dates and topics, which are subject to change depending on the nature of the upcoming session:

  • Wednesday, January 27: Advocacy Day #1
    Topic: Home and community-based services (HCBS) Medicaid waivers
  • Tuesday, February 16: Advocacy Day #2
    Topic: Inclusive post-secondary education (IPSE)
  • Tuesday, March 2: Advocacy Day #3
    Topic: Competitive, integrated employment/supported employment
  • Thursday, April 15: Advocate Awards Ceremony

Be on the lookout for additional information about how to register and what to expect during our 2021 Virtual Advocacy Days!

GCDD Welcomes New Council Members

Governor Brian Kemp has named four state residents to the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) and reappointed six other individuals. The goal of the council’s work is to increase opportunities for independence, inclusion, integration, productivity and self-determination for all persons with developmental disabilities.

New to the council are:

headshot of Nick Perry, a Black man with close cropped hair and a full beard looks at the cameraNick Perry is a sibling of a person with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD), a foster parent to children with I/DD and a professional in the disability field. Perry explains, “I joined the council because advocating for and with individuals with I/DD is a part of my identity and being a part of the council aligns with that.” Perry hopes to bring awareness to issues impacting Georgians living with developmental disabilities from the perspective of his family members as well as all he serves. He resides in Stone Mountain. Perry is inspired daily by the words of Job 29:14-16: “I put on righteousness as my clothing; Justice was my robe and my crown. I was eyes to the blind and feet (to those who could not walk). I was a father to the poor; I took up the case of the stranger.”

headshot of Lisa Newbern, a white woman with long reddish hair smiles at the cameraLisa Marie Newbern previously served the council as a family advisor. She will participate as a parent advocate on GCDD. Newbern lives in Atlanta. She says, “I hope to help make a difference for all those who have developmental disabilities as well as their loved ones and friends. Working with the council and all its partners, I want to help create inclusive communities that value those who have developmental disabilities and support opportunities for them across the lifespan — from learning and playing to working and worshiping.” In addition, Newbern says, “Being a mom is most important to me. I can never get enough time with my kids!”

headshot of Rena Harris, a white woman with long wavy dark brown hair smiles at the cameraRena Harris is the executive director of Georgia Options, Inc. She has spent nearly 25 years working with individuals with I/DD and will represent her organization on the council. She says she wants to be at the table, doing everything she can to ensure true inclusion and equity for fellow citizens with developmental disabilities. Her goal in working with the council is that people with developmental disabilities, especially waiver recipients, are able to access the same choice and opportunity as those without disabilities. Right now, however, Harris says, “I’m in the process of surviving with two teenage daughters during digital learning.” Harris lives in Lawrenceville.

headshot of Wesley Ford, a young white man with short black hair and a mustache looks at the cameraWesley Ford is a self-advocate appointed to the council. A resident of Jackson, Ford says, “My passion is to share information through various ways that lead to a better understanding of Down syndrome and other disabilities. I want people to know and understand that special-needs individuals are capable of making a powerful impact in their community if they are given the opportunity and the support that they need!” Ford’s life goal is to help all people discover their limitless possibilities through various programs, events and training, which he shares on his Facebook page. Ford says he has a voice and the right to participate in advocating for changes.

headshot of Evan Nodvin, a young white man with short black hair smiles at the cameraCouncil member Evan Nodvin was reappointed for another council term by the governor. Nodvin is serving as the interim chair of the council. An Atlanta resident, he works at Canterbury Court as a kitchen assistant. He is a graduate of Partners in Policy Making; a graduate of My Voice, My Participation, My Board; a past Buddy of the Year for the Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta; a co-chair of the Special Friends Sabbath Inclusion Program at Congregation B'nai Torah in Atlanta; and a gold-medal Special Olympian. Nodvin enjoys speaking on employment and self-advocacy, as well as the importance of the Medicaid waiver to achieve independence.

Additionally, these people were reappointed to GCDD:

  • Nandi Isaac will continue to serve as a self-advocate on the council. She is from Macon.
  • Deborah Hibben is a parent advocate who is a retired high school administrator. She resides in McDonough.
  • Teresa Heard is a parent advocate for her 20-year-old son and lives in Albany.
  • Dorothy Harris is a self-advocate who resides in Fitzgerald. She is the secretary for People First of Georgia.
  • Parker Glick lives in Decatur and is a self-advocate. He previously served as the chair of the council’s executive committee.

The council is a 27-member board, appointed by the governor and comprised of at least 60 percent individuals with developmental disabilities and family members along with policymakers that represent various agencies and organizations having a vested interest in persons with developmental disabilities.

If you are interested in more information about GCDD or would like to apply for the council, you’ll find the information and application available online

Meet GCDD’s New Public Policy Fellow!

headshot of Naomi Williams, a young Black woman smiling at the camera wearing a v-neck ruffled black blouseAs the policy and advocacy fellow at the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), Naomi Williams supports GCDD in promoting public policy that creates an integrated community life for people with developmental disabilities, their families, friends, neighbors and all who support them. Williams also assists GCDD in its ongoing efforts related to the 2021 legislative session of the Georgia General Assembly, as well as in the organization’s federal advocacy efforts.

Working alongside the public policy team, Williams tracks legislation and prepares updates; attends critical legislative and organizational meetings; helps execute virtual events; works to engage grassroots advocates; develops advocacy- and policy-related materials; and more.

Williams brings to GCDD 20 years of professional experience in myriad roles. For the past decade, Williams has served as a family support coordinator for a health care organization. She helps patients and families navigate systems while also supporting staff, patients and families by providing parent engagement activities; hospital and community resources; grief support; stress management techniques; and program development to enhance the patient experience and process improvement.

After earning her bachelor’ degree in health and physical education from Augusta University, Williams received a master’s degree in public health from Walden University. She later honed her advocacy skills through such endeavors as interning at her local American Cancer Society branch; focusing on how to reduce racial disparities in infant and maternal mortality with a grant-funded, rural Healthy Start program; serving as a yoga instructor and grief support coach; earning ethics in healthcare leadership certificates; and most importantly, raising her son.

“Raising my son with significant disabilities means I continue to navigate the systems that allow people to be active members in their communities and achieve a meaningful quality of life,” said Williams. “My personal and professional experience continues to inform my work, and I am excited to further it as a part of the GCDD team.”

Constant in her ventures is Williams’ desire to help people and be a source of edification for her community, as evidenced in how she invests her time – both on and off the clock. Among her current roles, she serves as co-chair of the Patient Family Centered Care Partners Diversity Equity and Inclusion Workgroup.

“Public health and health services are such broad fields with unlimited paths, and I love the learning and teaching opportunities they afford,” said Williams. “I thrive on sharing knowledge and empowering people, and I look forward to doing that at GCDD, albeit in nontraditional ways.”

Originally from western Pennsylvania, Williams makes her home in Evans, Ga. She is a proud mom to her 11-year-old son, an abstract artist and endurance athlete, who is also diagnosed with spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy and cortical visual impairment. When she’s not working, Williams enjoys getting outdoors and exploring new places – cityscapes and countryside alike. She thrives on spending time with family and friends; completing long bike rides; cheering on her son during races; and taking long, deep breaths on her yoga mat.

Williams will serve as the GCDD policy and advocacy fellow through June 1, 2021.

Webinars Alert! Advancing Employment Hosts Two Webinars

Advancing Employment Logo with 9 dots in a chevron pattern - 3 dark blue, 3 bright blue, 3 yellow, and underneath in dark blue the words “Advancing Employment" and under that in bright blue ”Building a community for inclusive employment in Georgia”Advancing Employment is dedicated to building a community for inclusive employment in Georgia. Through Advancing Employment, individuals with disabilities, their families, service providers and others interested in employment can learn and connect with one another. Advancing Employment supports provider transformation through technical assistance, training, information and resources to ensure supports successfully foster competitive, integrated employment.

In December, Advancing Employment will host two webinars focused on self-employment and what’s next for competitive, integrated employment. Learn more below and register today!

Tuesday, December 8, 2020 | 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. | Rhode Island’s Self-Employment Initiative

  • Presenter: Sue Babin, Rhode Island DD Council

    Sue Babin, from the Rhode Island DD Council, will lead the conversation on all things self-employment — including human services and entrepreneurial initiatives. Babin has helped people with disabilities and their families start, operate many businesses and turn a profit! Among other things, she will discuss the role self-directed waiver services play in self-employment.

    Register here for December 8th Webinar

Tuesday, December 15, 2020 |2 p.m. to 3 p.m. | A Year in Review: An Advancing Employment Panel on ACRE, the CoP and What’s Up Next!

  • Presenter: Doug Crandell, MFA, Director of Advancing Employment Technical Assistance Center, Institute on Human Development & Disability, Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research & Service (UCEDD)

    This informative and entertaining forum will feature panelists from Georgia’s Community of Practice. The panel will include people who’ve gone through Association of Community Rehabilitation Educators (ACRE) training, Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency counselor(s) and other surprise guests. The panelists will discuss training, collaboration, and momentum regarding topics as wide-ranging as supported self-employment, economic development, credentialing and social capital.

    Register here for December 15th Webinar

Calendar Spotlight

The Disability Vote Still Counts!Red banner with Race for the Runoff! inside above the words "The Disability Vote Still Counts!" on a dark blue background
Runoff Dates for the 2020 US Senate Race in Georgia:
  • December 7: Voter registration deadline to vote in the federal runoff election
  • December 14: Advanced in-person or early voting begins for the general election runoff for federal offices
  • January 5, 2021: Federal Runoff Election Day

Voters can request an absentee ballot or vote early. Early voting begins December 14, and Election Day is January 5, 2021. 

GCDD e-news - December 2021

GCDD E news 1705

A Digital Newsletter from the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities   •   December 2021

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities newsletter from keeps you up-to-date on the latest news from what’s happening with public policy in Georgia to COVID-19 updates to upcoming events. 


In This Issue:

Eric Jacobson, a white man, wears glasses and smiles at the camera. He is bald-headed, with a graying beard and wears a dark suit.

A Message from the Executive Director

On January 10, 2022, the Georgia General Assembly will begin, and it's time for all of us to advocate for the changes we want to see in the intellectual/developmental disability (I/DD) system. Last year, the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) produced 6,000 Waiting as a tool to educate advocates about the needs of people on the waiting list for home and community-based services. Now we need to take that message to the legislature. Georgia has a multi-billion-dollar surplus sometimes called the Rainy-Day Fund. Our message needs to be that for individuals and families on the waiting list it is raining, and the funds need to be made available to get the services and supports they need. Everyone should be contacting our state representative and senator to let them know that we need to address the waiting list.  

This year, GCDD will support three virtual Advocacy Days to help with issues that require either legislation or budget requests. However, virtual makes it more difficult to connect with our elected officials. This means you must meet with them when they are at home or call their offices. Let them know about the issues that are important to people with I/DD. Tell them that we need to increase wages for direct support professionals, and we need to end paying people with I/DD subminimum wages.  

As I wrote in Making a Difference, I will retire from GCDD on May 1, 2021. One of the activities I am most proud of is the development of a strong advocacy program. It brings joy to me when I think about Disability Day at the Capitol going from a few people in one room to over 3,000 people. There were times when we had so many people attending Advocacy Days that there were lines of people in wheelchairs trying to get into the Capitol and talk with their legislators.  As a community, we have made our voices heard.

Finally, I want to say thank you to Teresa Heard who has resigned as a GCDD member. Teresa most recently served as Vice-Chairperson. Teresa has been a great member and reminds us about the needs of rural Georgia. However, most importantly, Teresa has prepared her son Derrick to be his own best advocate.  

We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter, and we want to hear from you. Let us know your thoughts and comments about the magazine by writing to hillary [DOT] hibben [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] govtianna [DOT] faulkner [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov.

Eric E. Jacobson, GCDD Executive Director

Public Policy for the People

Public Policy clear

Public Policy for the People provides public policy updates as it pertains to people with disabilities here in Georgia. 

Hello Advocates, the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) Policy team has been working hard to tackle the special legislative session. The special session closed on Monday, November 22, 2021. With the redistricting process behind us and some important committee meetings done, we are excited to take a break for the holidays. Below are the highlights of the special session and information about our upcoming Advocacy Days! 

Special Session:

Joint Redistricting Session at Georgia State CapitolOn November 3, Governor Brian Kemp called for a special session regarding the proclamation for redistricting in the state of Georgia. Before getting to the drawing of proposed districts, the Georgia Legislator held eleven meetings across the state this past summer to seek public opinion on how the maps should be drawn. After receiving the public’s opinion and comments, the Georgia Senate and House of Representatives started the debate and have now created a new state Senate map and a new state House map. 

Currently, the Republicans hold enough seats in both the House and Senate to draw the districts. The Chairman of the Senate Redistricting Committee, Senator John F. Kennedy, has made a point to not draw any Senate incumbent into another district. In the House, there has been a lot more controversy around redistricting. Currently the Georgia House of Representatives has 180 members, some of which are having their districts changed. There is a strong suspicion that some of the House members will be challenging some of their Senate colleagues. They are currently working on finishing out the Federal House districts which will bring some state representatives into a new district. 

Advocacy Days:

GCDD is looking forward to an interesting legislative session in 2022. With the Biannual approaching, we will see some bills that haven’t been passed, finally get reintroduced and possibly passed during the session.

GCDD 2022 Advocacy Days Announcement GraphicWe are also really excited to announce our 2022 Advocacy Days for the 2022 legislative session. After surveying the community, we were able to come up with GCDD’s Legislative priorities. The 2022 Advocacy Days, which will be virtual, are as follows:

  • Wednesday, January 26th: Addressing the Direct Support Professional Workforce Shortage 
  • Wednesday, February 16th: Reducing the NOW/COMP Waiver Waitlist 
  • Wednesday, March 16th: Ending Sub Minimum Wage Practices 

Register for the 2022 Advocacy Days! 

(Advocacy Days dates are subject to change based on the legislative session calendar.)

Please be sure to look out for more details about how to sign up and participate with us during the scheduled Advocacy Days. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to reach out and get to know their legislator. Go to Open States to find your state representative. 

As always Advocates, visit GCDD's website to stay up to date with all the latest GCDD advocacy opportunities and information. 

GCDD Public Policy Team:
Public Policy Research & Development Director Dr. Alyssa Miller: alyssa [DOT] lee [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov
Legislative Advocacy Director Charlie Miller: charles [DOT] miller [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov 

COVID-19 Update

By Naomi Williams, GCDD Vaccination Project Coordinator

African American Mother putting a mask on her African American DaughterWe are nearing the end of 2021, and COVID-19 is still prevalent and a huge topic of conversation in the world today. As we embark on the holiday season, we must remain vigilant in doing our part to lessen the spread of COVID-19 and its variants. It’s important for us to be mindful that the virus can impact people in different ways; for some, the effects of contracting COVID-19 is no more than a cold; while for others, it is catastrophic and life altering. We, personally, won’t know how the virus will impact us until we contract it. We know there aren’t any guarantees that getting vaccinated will prevent a person from getting COVID-19. What we have learned and do know is that vaccination significantly reduces the need for hospitalization and death.

Children ages five to 11 years old are now able to receive the Pfizer vaccine. As you choose the best route for your child(ren) and family, we encourage you to have honest, open, and clear conversations with your child and child’s pediatrician.

As the parent of a 12-year-old with chronic complex medical care, I too was in a conflicting state of “what’s the best decision” to make regarding vaccination. After talking with my son and his pediatrician and talking through the risks versus the benefits of contracting COVID-19 or variant or vaccination, we opted for the vaccination. 

Vaccination Information

Currently, 50% of Georgians are fully vaccinated. GCDD and its partners in the Developmental Disability (DD) Network have been working cooperatively and strategically with the updates to share with individuals with I/DD , their family members, and caregivers. June through October 2021, GCDD held listening sessions to hear from communities about their concerns, confidence, resistance, hesitance, and overall questions related to COVID-19 vaccination and its impact. 

We strive to combat misinformation communicated to communities, and one way we’ve learned to do this within the I/DD’s community is by providing and helping families access information in their native language. The webinar sessions include American Sign Language (ASL) and Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) – live real time transcription. On November 17, 2021, the DD Network hosted a COVID-19 information session in Spanish for parents and caregivers of children ages five to 11 years old. A big thank you to Dr. Nelly Mizrahi of Emory Healthcare for sharing important information and answering participant questions. 

On December 8, another information session in English will be provided for parents and caregivers. Parents of children ages five to 11 will be on the call, sharing their experience, questions and route to vaccination decision making. We are also pleased to have Dr. Marshalyn Yeargin-Allsopp, the Chief of the Developmental Disabilities branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and pediatricians Dr. Natalia Benza and Dr. Jennifer Zubler.

Register for the English webinar via Zoom on December 8 at 6 p.m.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Who is eligible to be vaccinated?
    • Individuals aged five years and older can receive the COVID-19 vaccine.

  • Who is eligible for a booster shot?
    • All adults, 18 and older, who received their second Pfizer or Moderna shot at least six months ago, can receive a booster shot. Those who received the Johnson & Johnson shot can get a booster shot two months after their first.

  • How much does it cost?
    • Vaccination is free to you, and no payment is required.

  • Where can I or my child get the vaccine?
    • You can:
  • What if I can’t leave my house and want to get vaccinated?
    • Email HVS [AT] dph [DOT] ga [DOT] govHVS [AT] dph [DOT] ga [DOT] gov or call (888) 572-0112

  • How will the vaccine impact the other conditions or medications that my child or I take on a regular basis?
    • Talk to your primary care doctor or your child’s pediatrician about the medical conditions and medications that are being taken and the concerns that you have.

As we strive for balance and a sense of normalcy to our lives, it will take all of us doing our best and our part in protecting ourselves, our loved ones, and our community. Remember, there are several ways we can do this: 1) get vaccinated 2) wash your hands 3) wear a mask – especially if not feeling well 4) physically distance and stay 6 feet apart from others.

Go to the Georgia Department of Public Health COVID-19 Resources website to stay up to date on COVID-19 resources.

Welcome to GCDD

Two New Staff Members Join GCDD

GCDD has welcomed two new staff members to their team this past month. 

African American woman wearing a cheetah print blouse, red lipstick, gold earrings, and braids in her hair. Tianna Faulkner

Tianna Faulkner is the new Media Relations Director for GCDD. Her duties include overseeing the Making a Difference Magazine, the GCDD e-newsletter, and Annual Report. In addition, she will handle all media relations for the Council. Faulkner has a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Mass Media Arts, with a concentration in Public Relations from Clark Atlanta University. She is currently pursuing an MBA degree from Mercer University. 

A seasoned public relations professional and former journalist, Faulkner’s experience has been with various public relations agencies and nonprofit organizations. Her areas of expertise are in marketing, branding, promotions, and media relations. Faulkner is a member of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). She has been recognized by the Lupus Foundation of America, Georgia Chapter, for excellence in her public relations work. 

In joining the GCDD staff, Faulkner said, “I have always wanted to work for an organization whose mission is to serve and better the lives of others. My goal is to use my voice, skills, and talents to help others indirectly or directly.” 

A resident in metro Atlanta, Faulkner lives by the Clark Atlanta University motto, which is “To Find a Way or Make One.” Faulkner added, “I also believe that you should never give up on your dreams.” She is an active community volunteer and enjoys reading, travelling, and spending time with her family and friends.

Black and white photo of a white woman with long flowing hair and flower petal earrings. Isabel KnofczynskiIsabel Knofczynski is GCDD’s new Public Policy and Advocacy Fellow, supporting the Council’s mission of promoting public policies that create an integrated community for Georgians with I/DD. Her work will include tracking legislation, researching, and developing policy materials, and attending committee meetings during the legislative session.

Currently an undergraduate studying Public Policy at Georgia Tech, Knofczynski has had the opportunity to complete coursework and contribute to research on the complexities of the legislative process. She is looking forward to using what she has learned and applying that to promoting GCDD’s policy agenda.

Knofczynski is the oldest of eight children, and three of her younger siblings have disabilities, including Down syndrome and autism. “I’m passionate about any opportunity to use the tools of policy and law to impact people’s everyday lives, especially by promoting the creation and development of integrated communities. People with disabilities have historically faced exclusion from certain communities, and I'm excited to advocate for their continual and intentional inclusion. This role felt like the perfect opportunity to combine my professional experiences and skill set with a policy area that I am passionate about,” Knofczynski said. 

Originally from Savannah, Knofczynski now resides in Atlanta. She loves to travel and has been to 49 of the 50 United States, with Alaska remaining on her list to visit. She has traveled both domestically and internationally, spending the last four summers doing road trips and camping.

Calendar Spotlight

2022 AdvocGCDD Advocacy Days Logoacy Days (virtual) from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

  • Wednesday, January 26th: Addressing the Direct Support Professional Workforce Shortage 
  • Wednesday, February 16th: Reducing the NOW/COMP Waiver Waitlist 
  • Wednesday, March 16th: Ending Sub Minimum Wage Practices

Register for the 2022 Advocacy Days.

GCDD e-news - December 2022


GCDD E newsletter December 2022

A Digital Newsletter from the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities   •   December 2022

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities newsletter from keeps you up-to-date on the latest news from what’s happening with public policy in Georgia to COVID-19 updates to upcoming events. This issue has a special feature remembering the legacy of Lois Curtis and a recap of the 2022 midterm elections in Georgia.

In This Issue:


A Message from GCDD Executive Director

D'Arcy Robb A teenage girl pleading for aid for her brother. A young man sharing the story of the isolation that defined his life for decades. Provider after provider, talking about the near impossibility of providing care when you can pay staff less than what a McDonald’s employee makes. And parent after parent, sharing some of the most challenging realities of their families’ lives. The stories had a common theme—how families are scraping support together for their loved ones with disabilities, under circumstances that would try even the most resilient souls. Situations that families currently deal with include waiting years for a waiver or struggling to find providers even once a waiver is secured, or having their child placed in an out of state residential treatment center with no support at discharge once they return home.

These are just a few examples of the testimonies that the Senate Study Committee on People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Waiver Plan Access has heard over the past few months. These stories can be incredibly hard to listen to. And yet, a common theme at the committee’s November meeting was hope, which makes me think of Lois Jeanette Curtis.

People reading this know that Lois was sent to live at Georgia Regional Hospital when she was just 11 years old. She spent her teens and twenties in and out institutions. Somehow, some way, Lois never lost her hope that things could be different. She was famous for calling her attorney and asking when she could get out. Not only did she get out, but Lois and Elaine Wilson paved the way for people with disabilities all across the country to live in the community, thanks to the Supreme Court’s ruling in their favor in Olmstead v. LC.

Lois is no longer with us, but her legacy shines every time someone in the disability community speaks a hard truth while holding onto hope that things can be better, and putting in the good, hard work to make it so.

By shining a light on what so many Georgians with disabilities and their families are experiencing, we’re setting ourselves up to change things for the better. That brings me great hope!

D'Arcy Robb, Executive Director

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GCDD Welcomes New Public Policy Fellow

Aaron QuickAaron Quick is the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities’ (GCDD) new Public Policy Fellow. He has a bachelor’s degree in Social Work from Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio and a master’s degree in Social Work from North Carolina State University in Raleigh, North Carolina. Currently he is enrolled in the Whitney M. Young Jr. School of Social Work Policy, Planning and Administration, and Social Science Ph.D. Program at Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia. His area of research in the Ph.D. Program is Criminal Justice. Through his education, Quick has experience doing legislation and policy analysis. He said having a bachelor's and master’s degree in social work has equipped him with significant knowledge and competency to work with people with disabilities, using the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines, and ableist speech in the workplace, and in agency policy. Additionally, he has worked for the Office for Institutional Equity and Diversity at North Carolina State University, volunteered at Canine CellMates, a rehabilitation program in Atlanta, Georgia, and was a research assistant for In Her Hands, a Georgia Resilience and Opportunity (GRO) Fund flagship project also in Atlanta, Georgia.

With his degree focusing on policy and leadership, Quick’s goal is to become a legislator one day. A motto he lives by is “Slowly is the fastest way to get where you want to be so learn to enjoy the journey.” He has an older brother who lives with autism and therefore has a personal connection working with and creating spaces for individuals living with developmental disabilities. In his free time, Quick enjoys outdoor activities, including hiking, kayaking, and bicycle riding. He also enjoys flying and taking aerial footage with his drone, traveling to different countries like Spain, Italy, and France, and singing karaoke with friends.

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2022 Midterm Elections Recap

Public Policy for the People provides public policy updates as it pertains to people with disabilities here in Georgia.

Georgia State Capitol BuildingHello Advocates,

The polls are closed, and votes are in. We are excited to give you an election recap of Georgia's elections that were held on November 8. Georgia saw a robust early voting turnout with over 1,668,609 votes cast beginning October 17. Compared to 2018’s early voting turn out, which was 1,192,688, there was an increase of 475,921 early votes. A total of 3,964,068 votes were casted throughout Georgia's elections.

This election determined one of Georgia's two United States Senate seats as well as Georgia’s elected offices of governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, labor commissioner, agriculture commissioner, superintendent of Georgia, and insurance commissioner.

In Georgia, if neither candidate receives 50+1% of the vote they are forced to go into a run-off election. Georgia’s U.S. senate seat will be going into a run-off between Senator Raphael Warnock and Herschel Walker. The run-off election will be held on December 6 and polls are open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. To check and make sure you are registered for this upcoming election, you can click here. Early voting started on November 28, and ended December 2. For more information on Senator Warnock’s and Herschel Walker’s campaign goals and initiatives, you can watch our candidate video here.

Here is a breakdown of wins and losses during Georgia's elections. Election winners are highlighted and underlined.


Brian Kemp 53.43%
Stacey Abrams 45.87%

Lieutenant Governor: 

Burt Jones 51.39%
Charlie Bailey 46.43%

Secretary of State:

Brad Raffensperger 53.23%
Bee Nguyen 43.99%
Ted Metz 2.78%

Attorney General:

Chris Carr 51.86%
Jenifer “Jen” Jordan 46.60%
Martin Cowen 1.53%

Commissioner of Agriculture:

Tyler Harper 52.97%
Nakita Hemingway 44.83%
David Radudabugh 2.19%

Commissioner of Insurance:

John King 54.10%
Janice Laws Robinson 45.90%

State School Superintendent: 

Richard Woods 45.19%
Alisha Thomas Searcy 45.81%

Commissioner of Labor:

Bruce Thompson 52.08%
William “Will” Boddie 45.33%
Emily Anderson 2.59%

This is not a full list of candidates that either won re-election or are newly elected. To find your specific state house member or state senator you can find out who they are by visiting the Open State's website and going to the Secretary of State’s website to find their specific race.

Soon we will find out who will be the second U.S. senator that represents the intellectual and developmental disability community, but our advocacy does not stop at the polls! Now is the perfect time to reach out to your newly elected or re-elected legislator and make sure they understand the issues in the disability community. GCDD will be happy to help support your advocacy in any way we can! For more information, visit www.gcdd.org.

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Remembering Lois Curtis and the Olmstead Decision

Lois CurtisLois Jeanette Curtis, whose wish to live life on her own terms became what we now know as the Olmstead decision, died on November 3, 2022, at age 55. Curtis, who was known as an advocate, artist, sister, and friend, lost her battle with pancreatic cancer in her home in Clarkston, Georgia. 

Diagnosed with both an intellectual disability and mental illness at a young age, Curtis spent her teens and early twenties living in many institutions across the state of Georgia. Like so many people during that time, the warehousing of people with disabilities was normal and living outside of those walls was only a dream. After more than twenty years of moving from one mental institution to another, Curtis met an attorney from Atlanta Legal Aid named Susan Jamieson. That meeting led her to make one request from Miss Jamieson, “Can you please get me out of here?”

In 1995 Atlanta Legal Aid took Curtis’ request (along a similar ask from Elaine Wilson), in the form of a lawsuit, to the Supreme Court. The suit filed against Tommy Olmstead, who was then Georgia’s Commissioner of Human Services, demanded that the state move Curtis to a group home or smaller community-based housing where she could receive more appropriate community-based care. Curtis would become the lead plaintiff in Olmsted v L.C. in which the United States Supreme Court ruled that warehousing people with mental illness in institutions was discrimination under the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act.  

Shy Girl by Lois CurtisWhile the Olmstead decision focused on those living in psychiatric hospitals, subsequent cases after that ruling solidified that Olmstead applied to all state and Medicaid-funded institutions, including nursing facilities.

Gillian Grable, head of community outreach at the Institute on Human Development and Disability, met Curtis when she was a teenager. Grable attended the Supreme Court Olmstead hearing and recalls, “The justices were peppering the attorneys with questions, and Justice Sandra Day O’Connor said something like, ‘What does that mean if everyone needs 24/7 care?’  When O’Connor announced that she was retiring from the Supreme Court to go home to Arizona and take care of her husband who had Alzheimer’s disease I found it curious. So many of us from all walks of life could and would benefit from the hallowed belief that we all need support at times to make our contribution to our community.”

Once free to live in her community, Curtis found joy in advocating for increased access to the arts. She was a self-taught artist—most well known for her brightly colored portraits which showcased her love of people. Later in life she fell in love with music and expressed herself through singing. 

Curtis was laid to rest at Atlanta’s South-View Cemetery which is often referred to as the Civil Rights Cemetery. It earned this nickname as it is the final resting place for more than 80,000 African Americans, many of whom were leaders in American history and the struggle for freedom and equal rights.

Lois Curtis’ spirit lives on as many still fight for the chance to live and thrive in their community, as was the promise of Olmstead.

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2023 GCDD Advocacy Days

GCDD Advocacy Days Logo 2019FThe Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is looking forward to a changemaking 2023 session! The 2023 session will bring many new opportunities, including GCDD’s popular advocacy day events. We heard from the community about preferred methods and topics of GCDD’s advocacy days, and we’re excited to provide you with additional details.

We heard from the community that a hybrid event was preferred, so we went to work crafting what we believe will be the most effective strategy for hosting our annual advocacy days next year. During the 2023 session, we will again host three advocacy days, but this time they will take place over two days. Each event will consist of a virtual portion where we discuss the topic and how best to prepare ourselves for advocating followed by an in-person opportunity for advocates to meet GCDD staff and partners at the Georgia State Capitol to advocate for the issues in person. For the first time since 2019, we are thrilled to be able to be back in person advocating with you all under the Gold Dome! Although we encourage attendees to attend both days, attendance at Day 1 is not required for you to join us on Day 2 at the Capitol.

Mark your calendars for the following 2023 Advocacy Days dates and times:

  • Inclusive Post Secondary Education (IPSE) Day:
    • Virtual Day 1: Tuesday, January 24
      • 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. OR 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
    • In-Person Day 2: Wednesday, January 25*
      • 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
  • Waivers and Wages Day:
    • Virtual Day 1: Wednesday, February 15
      • 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. OR 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
    • In-Person Day 2: Thursday, February 16*
      • 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
  • Advancing Employment First and Ending Subminimum Wage Day:
    • Virtual Day 1: Tuesday, March 7
      • 10:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m. OR 6:00 p.m.–8:00 p.m.
    • In-Person Day 2: Wednesday, March 8*
      • 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.

To Register for Advocacy Days, click here.

*Advocacy Days dates are subject to change based on the legislative session calendar

Please be sure to look out for more details about how to sign up and participate with us during the scheduled Advocacy Days. As always, visit GCDD's website to stay up to date with all the latest GCDD advocacy opportunities and information.

GCDD Public Policy Team:
Dr. Alyssa Miller, Public Policy Research and Development Director: Alyssa [DOT] lee [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov
Charlie Miller, Legislative Advocacy Director: Charles [DOT] miller [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov

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Project SEARCH Employment Preparation Model Kickstarts Careers for Georgians with Disabilities

Project SEARCProject SEARCH LogoH helps young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) improve their quality of life, maximize their independence, and enhance their community engagement through meaningful, competitive employment. The Project SEARCH Transition-to-Work Program is a unique, business-led, one-year employment preparation program that takes place entirely at the workplace. This international program has operated in Georgia since 2000. In the past five years, Project SEARCH Georgia has successfully led more than 430 individuals to careers in competitive integrated employment.

Project SEARCH Georgia operates 25 sites at businesses and hospitals that facilitate training for people with IDD. With a recent $1,225,000 Congressionally Directed Spending grant, Project SEARCH is opening eight new sites in Georgia, expanding opportunities in rural Georgia for students and young adults.

Project SEARCH Georgia prepares students and young adults ages 18-26 for careers at training sites through a 36-week training program, which includes classroom instruction and three, nine-week internship rotations. The sites may train students in their last year of school or young adults. Because more funding is available for students than young adults no longer in school, most of Project SEARCH Georgia’s sites only serve students; however, the new grant is allowing Project SEARCH Georgia to open eight new sites that will serve young adults. Four of the sites will serve only young adults, and four of the sites will by hybrid, serving both students and young adults.

Bonnie Seery, Ph.D., a former teacher, special education director, and employment specialist, coordinates Project SEARCH Georgia and is passionate about preparing individuals with IDD for employment. “I knew that there were a number of individuals that we were missing while still in school. They would go through school, but that didn’t mean they would have successful employment when they left school,” said Seery. “This is the group we’re really working to reach with the new sites—people who want to work that could be successfully employed with right training and job skills.”

Workforce participation and competitive, integrated employment bring more than just a job for people with IDD. Opportunity and inclusion in the workplace and competitive, integrated employment; it also bolsters self-worth, independence, and overall quality of life for individuals who are often given fewer opportunities and devalued in the workplace.

“The difference you make in communities’, families’, and individuals’ with IDD lives is astounding,” said Seery. “Their confidence—and self-worth—is built up through successful employment in desirable careers.”

For a job to be considered competitive, integrated employment, workers must be paid a competitive wage and work alongside people with and without IDD. Competitive, integrated employment does not include jobs paying subminimum wage—a legal practice of paying people with IDD less that the minimum wage—or segregated workplaces, like sheltered workshops, that employ people with IDD in separate programs that do not include people without IDD.

Project SEARCH Georgia needs more funding support to ensure the program’s sustainability. While the Congressionally Directed Spending grant brought a surge of new sites, it is only a one-year grant. The Project SEARCH Georgia team is enthusiastic and dedicated to keeping new and existing sites active. The program is actively seeking support from the state of Georgia for financial support to staff adult programs and funds to maintain the new and current sites.

For more information, visit www.projectsearch.us/find-a-program.

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GCDD Storytelling Project's Book Release & Author Reading

GCDD Book Launch PromoJoin the GCDD Storytelling Project's Book Release and Author Reading. Please tune in and hear authors from the Georgia Council on Developmental Disability's Storytelling Project read their published works! The Cow Tipping Press Book Authors are:

  • Ronald Bovell
  • Wesley Ford
  • Derek Heard
  • Christopher Fleming
  • Kyleigh Kramlich
  • Kristian Thomas
  • Tina Wheeler
  • Jessica Winowich
  • Joshua Williams 

The event is Wednesday, December 7 at 12:00 Noon on Facebook Live at http://bit.ly/3GRFWMp. This event will be provide CART/ASL support.

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Tuesdays with Tootle
December 6, 6:30 p.m.

Engage with Stancil Tootle, an experienced disability advocate, and his guests in a conversation to educate yourself and the community on critical current events and disability issues. Join Tuesdays with Tootle every Tuesday at 6:30pm.

Learn More

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GCDD e-news - June 2020

GCDD E news 1705

A Digital Newsletter from the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities    •   June 2020

In This Issue:

Join Us

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “There comes a time when silence is betrayal.”
The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities has never been silent, and we join in solidarity with those around the world who speak out against the systemic racism that led to the killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Tony McDade, Breonna Taylor and so many others.
As we do this work across our state that is the birthplace of Dr. King, as well as home to John Lewis, Andrew Young, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, the Center for Civil and Human Rights – and countless other individuals and institutions that uplift and foster the potential of Black Americans – we hear you and stand beside you.
Central to the work that we do at the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities is moving the needle of policy and legislation towards inclusion and equity for every Georgian. During this time, we want to amplify the voices of Black Americans and their right to live lives that are free from discrimination and oppression.
There is much work that needs to be done, and our goal is to include diverse thoughts and perspectives in that work.
Join us.

Eric Jacobson photo

A Message from the Executive Director

The times that we live in are different from any that we have witnessed in our lifetime.

For many people with disabilities, COVID-19 has meant isolation, lack of supports, sickness and even death. However, there may be new opportunities during this time that many of us have enjoyed, such as getting to know the people in our neighborhoods during evening walks or picking up groceries for each other when we go to the store. I think we should be asking ourselves, “What have we learned during this time that we did not have the time to do before?” Answers may include, “I learned to make sourdough bread,” or “I took an exercise class on Zoom.”  We can let COVID-19 get us down – or we can use this time to make our lives better.

In addition, many of us may be asking, “What happened to the Georgia legislature when COVID-19 forced us all to stay in our homes?” The legislature did not complete its work before the pandemic began. Now, members of the Georgia General Assembly will be coming back to finish the work they began. This includes creating and passing a budget for the state year that begins July 1.

Because of the economic chaos caused by COVID-19, state agencies are being asked to cut their budgets by 14 percent. Agencies such as the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities will submit to Governor Kemp how they will cut 14 percent out of their budgets. But what does that mean? Does it mean no new dollars to address the waiting list? Less money for waiver services? Cuts to inclusive post-secondary education programs?

We are counting on YOU to let your legislators know that even with an economy in trouble, people with disabilities will not accept cuts to their services and supports. You can also send the governor and legislature a clear message when you vote on June 9. Make sure to complete your absentee or mail-in ballot, so that your vote can be counted.

Finally, a couple of pieces of news from GCDD. First, GCDD will soon begin its five-year, strategic planning process. This is required by the Developmental Disabilities Bill of Rights and Assistance Act. We will be coming to you and asking about what is working in your communities and where the system is falling short. Second, we have a new executive committee that you can read about in this newsletter. We are excited to begin this planning year with new leadership focused on what the future can look like for Georgians with developmental disabilities.

We hope you enjoy reading this newsletter, and we want to hear from you. Let us know your thoughts and comments about by writing to Managing Editor Hillary Hibben at hillary [DOT] hibben [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov.

Public Policy for the People: What's Happening

State of Georgia Graphic with Capitol reversed insidePublic Policy for the People provides public policy updates as it pertains to people with disabilities here in Georgia.

Advocates, thank you for taking the time to read GCDD’s public policy updates about state and federal happenings. Regarding Georgia’s legislative session, we left off rather abruptly due to COVID-19, and the state session was suspended after day 29. For a recap on what advocacy took place during the first 29 days, please review the legislative recap in the April edition of our Making a Difference Magazine.

As promised, we want to make sure you know the goings-on under the gold dome. We received word from Speaker of the House David Ralston that session will officially resume Monday, June 15. Committees can begin meeting in-person on Tuesday, June 2, but only to begin reviewing legislation and hearing testimony. No official votes can take place until June 11. Right now, we are not sure what session might look like regarding in-person versus virtual advocacy, but you can guarantee that we will let you know as soon as we find out!

GA House of Rep logoClick to view GA House of Representatives meetingsState Policy Updates

Pull QuoteCurrently, members of both Georgia’s House of Representatives and Senate are conducting virtual meetings that are available for public viewing, focusing on our state’s budget. Some of you might recall that Georgia’s General Assembly is only required to pass one piece of legislation, and that is the state budget. The state budget for fiscal year 2021 (which starts on July 1, 2020) made it through the House prior to the suspension of session, but it is likely that that version will have significant changes because the governor is asking for 14-percent budget cuts from state agencies.GA Senate logoClick to view GA Senate meetings.

These significant budget cuts may be required due to the impact of COVID-19 on our state’s economy. To put that percentage into perspective, total cuts across all state agencies could be more than $3.5 billion, including $172.3 million in cuts to the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD). As of now, we do not have any proposals to better understand where those cuts might come from, but we are expecting to get more information in the coming weeks. (On June 3, 2020, Governor Kemp’s office announced that proposed budget cuts should reflect 11 percent, instead of 14 percent. GCDD remains concerned about these deep cuts to services and supports for Georgians with disabilities, and we continue to monitor what the governor’s recommendations could mean for our communities.)

Federal Policy Updates

Regarding federal updates, the U.S. House of Representatives released the HEROES Act on May 12, 2020, which would provide an additional $3 trillion in COVID-19 relief funds. The House voted and approved the HEROES Act on Friday, May 15. We were relieved to see some of our disability priorities included in the proposed legislation, including $100 million to the Administration for Community Living, which provides supports and services to seniors and people with disabilities and their loved ones.

Although the inclusion of these funds is encouraging news, they are not guaranteed in the final version, which means your federal senators need to hear from you!Remember, GCDD is here to help if you need any assistance locating the contact information for your representative and senator and/or drafting your message. (Tip: Try using this My COVID-19 Story template to get started on your story.)

email iconEmail us for more information:
Public Policy Research & Development Director Dr. Alyssa Lee: alyssa [DOT] lee [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov
Legislative Advocacy Director Charlie Miller: charles [DOT] miller [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov 

Election Day is June 9!

On June 9, Georgians will cast votes for in the primary election to choose the candidate for each party's nomination by voting through secret ballot, as in a general election.

With many shelter-in-place orders in effect, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger announced that all ballots will be mailed to registered voters.

While early voting is already underway, the primary election features the presidential candidates, as well as the local and legislative primary races. The candidates who are selected by voters will be on the ballot for the November general election.

Find out who is seeking election/re-election in Georgia.Find out who is seeking election/re-election in Georgia.

Who is up for election?

  • 14 Georgia representatives in the U.S. House of Representatives
  • 2 senators in the U.S. Senate

Also, many state senators and representatives, commissioners, judges, councilpersons and other regional and local seats impact how people with disabilities work, live and play in their communities.

Two ways to vote:

Due to COVID-19, Georgia has allowed registered voters to submit absentee ballots instead of heading to the polls for early voting or on election day. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Absentee ballot – If you received your ballot and have not submitted it, be sure to mail it in to have your vote counted by June 9. Check out the Secretary of State’s Guide to Absentee Voting for how to complete and submit your ballot.
  • Going to the polls – To find out where you vote, go to the My Voter Page through the Secretary of State’s website. There, complete your information to find out your polling place for early voting and day-of voting. Please note that lines and wait times might be longer due to COVID-19 precautions, and practice physical distancing and other safety measures while out in public.

GCDD Welcomes New Chair and Executive Committee

New GCDD Chair Parker Glick New GCDD Chair
Parker Glick
The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) welcomes five new executive committee members who will lead the council and its work to bring about social and policy changes for people with developmental disabilities and their families throughout the state.

Parker Glick, from Decatur, was appointed to GCDD in 2015 and will now serve as the chair of the council. Born with arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), Glick works as the employment coordinator for the Statewide Independent Living Council of Georgia. An accomplished self-advocate, Glick was also appointed by former Governor Nathan Deal to the Employment First Council. As one of the younger members on the council, he leads by example so young adults with disabilities learn to develop and employ their own self-advocacy skills to affect change for Georgians with disabilities and the policies that impact them.

Heidi MooreHeidi J. MooreHeidi J. Moore is a parent advocate for individuals with disabilities and pediatric cancer research with Unite Our Voices, a place for families, providers, politicians and concerned citizens to find information and learn how to advocate for children and adults with disabilities and pediatric cancer. Moore has a 20-year-old son, Jacob, who has Down syndrome and autism and is also a cancer survivor. Appointed to the council in 2016, Moore continues to further her grassroots advocacy efforts to make a difference in the services families of children and adults with disabilities receive in Georgia. She lives in Alpharetta.

Mark Crenshaw smMark CrenshawMark Crenshaw was appointed to the council in 2019 and is working to positively influence policy and model services in Georgia. He works as the director of interdisciplinary training at the Center for Leadership in Disability at Georgia State University. As a council member, Crenshaw strives to help people understand that Georgians with and without disabilities benefit when they are welcomed together as valued members of their communities.Evan NodvinEvan Nodvin

Evan Nodvin, a self-advocate, has been a GCDD council member since 2013. Nodvin has participated in My Voice, My Participation, My Board with the Center for Leadership in Disability as well as Partners in Policy Making with GCDD. He works with the council to advocate for the end to the Medicaid waiver waiting list. Nodvin is a resident of Dunwoody.

Dorothy HarrisDorothy HarrisDorothy Harris,a self-advocate, serves as secretary of People First of Fitzgerald, where she lives. An active advocate, Harris has participated in Disability Day at the Capitol; advocated for a local library to stay open; and fought for public transportation in the Fitzgerald community that can serve everyone. She currently serves on the board of Jessamine Place Human Rights Committee and is an advisory member for GCDD.

GCDD works to create systems change for people with developmental disabilities and their families by increasing opportunities for independence and inclusion. By collaborating with, supporting and funding projects across Georgia, the council promotes innovative programs and activities to develop opportunities to enhance the quality of life for Georgians living with developmental disabilities. Since its inception in 1971, GCDD has advocated for more than 1.7 million Georgians with developmental disabilities and their families. 

Parties interested in more information about GCDD, or who would like to apply for the council, may find additional details and application guidelines on the GCDD website.

Georgia Developmental Disabilities Network Brings Together Resources for Disability Community

GDDN logoThe Georgia Developmental Disabilities Network (GDDN) is a consortium of 10 Georgia-based, disability-focused organizations that are committed to connecting people with resources during the COVID-19 pandemic. GDDN hosts weekly phone calls to support individuals with disabilities, parents and family members, caregivers and other stakeholders to share COVID-19 challenges.

The weekly webinars provide resources for Georgians with disabilities and other stakeholders that offer guidance on navigating various topics such as Medicaid waivers, employment, Appendix K and more.

The resources are available on GCDD’s website. Click the category of interest below and access various links, recordings and information.

To see all documents, visit the main “Georgia Resources” folder via Google Drive.

GDDN partners include: The Arc Georgia, Center for Leadership in Disability at Georgia State University, Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta, The Fragile X Association of Georgia, Georgia Advocacy Office, Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities, Institute on Human Development and Disability at the University of Georgia, Parent to Parent of Georgia, Spectrum Autism Support, Education and Resources and Uniting for Change.

Calendar Spotlight

The Disability Vote Counts 2020
Remember to vote on Tuesday, June 9th!

GCDD e-news - June 2021

GCDD E news 1705

A Digital Newsletter from the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities   •   June 2021

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities newsletter from keeps you up-to-date on the latest news from what’s happening with public policy in Georgia to COVID-19 updates to upcoming events. 


In This Issue:

Eric Jacobson, a white man, wears glasses and smiles at the camera. He is bald-headed, with a graying beard and wears a dark suit.

A Message from the Executive Director

Dear Readers,

Can you believe summer is here? In the past six months, a lot has changed in Georgia...and the country! The Georgia General Assembly closed its 2021 session passing bills and signing them into law; vaccine rollouts encouraged many Georgians to get their vaccine; and GCDD continued its work to develop its next strategic plan for the next five years. 

Our 2021 Advocacy Days wrapped up, and we were excited to present the inaugural Virtual Advocacy Awards! Three outstanding advocates were recognized for their efforts to make Georgia a better state for people with developmental disabilities. Meet the recipients below.

Now that summer is here, we know you all want to go spend time with your friends and families whom you haven’t seen in a long time. We hope you enjoy your time and stay safe. But also, remember that advocacy never stops! 

Take some time this summer to build relationships with your legislators and share with them what works and doesn’t work in your community. Change happens when YOU take action, advocates. 

We hope you have a safe and fun summer, and keep in touch with us through our website and social media channels or reach out to us any time at info [AT] gcdd [DOT] orginfo [AT] gcdd [DOT] org 

Public Policy for the People

Public Policy clear

— Charlie Miller, GCDD Legislative Advocacy Director

Public Policy for the People provides public policy updates as it pertains to people with disabilities here in Georgia. 

Legislative Updates

How in the world are you doing, advocates? The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and summer is here! We have made it through a rough and rocky legislative session, but that does not mean our advocacy stops. 

Your state legislator is now back at home – reaching out and connecting with them is more important than ever. In this Public Policy for The People edition, we are going to go over our feature bill signing, summer advocacy strategy ideas, and many more topics.

During this session, our advocacy took many different forms from moving our Advocacy Days to a virtual platform to doing a lot of legislator visits via Zoom due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 

But no matter what, we did not let anything get in our way of pushing for some great bills that impact people with disabilities. 

One of the many bills we helped get to the finish line was House Bill 128, also called Gracie's Law. This bill will help fight against organ transplant discrimination for people with disabilities. It was introduced last year by House of Representative's Rick Williams from Macon but was held up because of the pandemic. 

Kemp Signs Bill to Stop Discrimination Against Disabled RecipientsPhoto Credit: senatepress.net, Kessarin HorvathThis year, the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), along with the Down Syndrome Society of Atlanta, and Arc of Georgia worked to get HB 128 re-introduced and then pushed forward all the way to the desk of Governor Brian Kemp. We were excited to hear that the governor wanted to have this signed into law with the disability community by his side. 

While we are extremely happy to see Governor Kemp sign some really good bills into law, now is the time to start planning our summer advocacy. 

Georgia’s state Legislators are only in session January through April, which gives us a great opportunity to advocate about disability issues in their community. 

When you are reaching out to your legislator, make sure you tell them that you are a constituent in their district. If you do not know who represents you, you can always look up your legislator on Open States. On this site, you will be able to find out who your state and federal representatives are. 

This is a good resource for any advocate looking to get to know your state and federal officials. Every time you reach out about a disability issue, you create opportunities to teach them about the community members that they serve. 

Now, that summer is upon us and your legislator is easing back into normal workdays, feel free to reach out and connect with them. Invite them to get coffee and join your next community event. They want to hear from you even when you don’t have a problem. They love knowing things that they worked on made an impact in your life.

COVID-19 Updates

In an attempt to betCovid picter understand the disability community’s thoughts on the COVID-19 vaccine, GCDD’s Public Policy Fellow Naomi Williams spearheaded an effort to collect responses via a public survey. 

We heard from 275 respondents, and two-thirds identified as parents of a person with a disability, and a little less than one-third identified as a person with a disability. An overwhelming majority, approximately 81 percent, reported that they wanted to receive the vaccine. In fact, approximately 66 percent of the respondents indicated that they had already received the vaccine. The primary reasons people listed for wanting to get the vaccine were to keep themselves safe and to keep their loved ones safe.

Of all respondents, approximately 13 percent indicated they did not want the vaccine, and another 6 percent stated they were unsure if they would or would not get the vaccine. The primary responses people provided for not wanting the vaccine, or being unsure of whether to get it, were that the vaccine was too new and a worry that there might be bad side effects from the vaccine. 

Of important note is that people with disabilities were more likely to report not knowing where to get a vaccine and not having a way to get to a vaccination site as reasons they had not yet received a vaccine. 

Although the sample size of this survey is small, it is encouraging to see that the majority of respondents had received a vaccine or indicated that they would like to receive the vaccine. We continue to see a need for additional education regarding the safety of the vaccine, as well as the disproportionate access barriers to the vaccine for people with disabilities. 

GCDD is engaging in two primary areas of work to overcome some of those barriers, one being transportation assistance through a partnership with the Arc of Georgia, and the other being a media campaign to uplift the positive stories of people with disabilities who have received the vaccine. We will continue to look to the community for guidance on how best to support the vaccination effort across Georgia.  

GCDD Public Policy Team:
Public Policy Research & Development Director Dr. Alyssa Miller: alyssa [DOT] lee [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov
Legislative Advocacy Director Charlie Miller: charles [DOT] miller [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov 

Georgia Developmental Disability Council Honors Leaders in Disability Advocacy

GCDD SM Advocacy Awards 2021The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) held its inaugural 2021 Virtual Advocacy Awards on April 15 to honor those in the developmental disability advocacy community who have made great strides through education and action.

Representative El-Mahdi Holly, representing District 111 in the Georgia House of Representatives, was honored with the Legislative Champion Award, which acknowledges a Georgia General Assembly member for their work and support of the disability community. 

Representative Holly worked closely with GCDD to introduce legislation aimed at improving employment supports and services for people with developmental disabilities and actively participated in the council’s advocacy days this session.

He has lived in Henry County since 2003 and is focusing on serving the working families of District 111 in  Georgia. The district, which is located exclusively within Henry County, covers portions of the cities of Hampton, Locust Grove, McDonough, Stockbridge, Jonesboro and Jenkinsburg.

GCDD’s Stronger Together Award was given to an organization that is dedicated to growing the advocacy movement throughout the state of Georgia. The 2021 honoree is The Leadership Collective of Uniting for Change. This group led the way on a variety of advocacy efforts this year and worked closely with GCDD to ensure the voices of people with developmental disabilities continue to be heard by policymakers.

The Leadership Collective of Uniting for Change is made up of self-advocacy leaders from across Georgia who are committed to growing and sustaining the self-advocacy movement in the state. Uniting for Change is a grassroots, statewide network of self-advocates who are uniting Georgians and influencing change by speaking up and taking control of their lives.

Gaylon Tootle, an advocate from Augusta, Georgia, received the Excellence in Advocacy Award. The honor goes to an individual who not only advocates for the rights of people with developmental disabilities but also encourages and motivates others to utilize their advocacy skills.

Tootle is the chapter president of the National Federation of the Blind Georgia state affiliate. He frequently educates state and federal lawmakers on disability issues and is an active participant of GCDD’s policy and advocacy initiatives. He is also an Employment Services Team member for Walton Options where he teaches classes in gaining preparedness skills and assists with independent living and work plans.

To find out how you can participate with GCDD’s advocacy efforts, visit the organization’s website.

GCCD Council Member Appointed to National Council of Self-Advocates

Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) Council Member Wesley Ford has been selected as the 2021-2022 National Council of Self Advocates Officer for The Arc of the United States. wesley fordsm

This is the first national council of its kind, positioning people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities (I/DD) as parts of a leadership network that is representative of all ages and abilities. The council provides support not only for each other but also offers opportunities to learn and grow as advocates in their own communities.

Ford, a 29-year-old from Jackson, GA, is an active self-advocate. “My goal is to help others with intellectual disabilities, adults and children from birth to 21, their families and friends discover their limitless possibilities through various programs, events and training,” Ford says.

He was appointed to GCDD in 2020 by Governor Brian Kemp, filling the position of self-advocate.

GCDD is one of 56 statewide councils that works to advance public policy on behalf of persons with developmental disabilities. It promotes public policy that creates an integrated community life for persons with developmental disabilities, their families, friends, neighbors and all who support them.

Calendar Spotlight

Blue banner with New Date! Wednesday, March 10, 2021 above the words Competitive, Integrated Employment/Supported Employment on a yellow band on a dark blue background

Treasure Maps: The Georgia Storytelling Roadshow 2021

Treasure Maps is a series of pop-up, interactive, outdoor theatres across the state of Georgia. Treasure Maps shows will include 

  • live-local hosts!
  • vendors, installations and food trucks, and live music! (in some locations)
  • safe, interactive activities!
  • and a feature film screening of Treasure Maps on the big screen!
Show Dates:
Treasure Maps Team Facebook Live
Tuesday, June 8 • 5:30-6:30 PM EDT
Meet the cast, ask your questions about the process of telling and filming their stories, hear zany tales of traveling the state on a film tour during tornado season, and find out the secret behind why our show is called Treasure Maps! There will be about 10-12 people on screen. They are the storytellers in the show, and maybe the filmmakers. Here are the storytellers bios. Just login to the GCDD Facebook page on Tuesday, June 8 to participate.

GCDD e-news - June 2022


GCDD E newsletter June 2022

A Digital Newsletter from the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities   •   June 2022

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities newsletter from keeps you up-to-date on the latest news from what’s happening with public policy in Georgia to COVID-19 updates to upcoming events. This issue has a special feature on the novel business incubator for people with developmental disaibilites, Synergies Work.

In This Issue:


A Message from GCDD Council Chairman

Nick Perry GCDD ChairmanAs we look toward the future, The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) has accomplished a lot over the past year, but there is still much work to be done. GCDD is committed to educating and supporting families, creating fully inclusive communities, working to get available, accessible, flexible, and responsive services for the disability community, advocacy, and ensuring public policy is founded on accurate research and information and best practices.

There were budget wins in this past legislative session. Now is a very important time than ever to start a conversation and build a relationship with your legislator. As we go into the summer months, this is a great opportunity for you to get to know your legislators and thank them for the wins while session is out. COVID-19 is here to stay. Although numbers have been declining, the virus is still here, and people should take all measures to be safe. There are updates regarding vaccinations and access, including a new vaccination that is on the horizon for children under five years old. This issue of the e-newsletter will feature an article update about COVID-19 and getting vaccinated as it relates to the disability community.

We are pleased to announce three new council members: Barbara “Baps” Hall, Wina Low, and Sharifa Peart. These ladies represent a diverse team with over thirty years combined experienced in working with individuals with disabilities and their families. The council is charged with creating systems change for people with developmental disabilities and their families by increasing opportunities for independence, inclusion, integration, productivity, and self-determination and is charged with identifying the most pressing needs of people with developmental disabilities in Georgia. The GCDD Council Members are committed to advancing public policy and systems change that help the lives of individuals with intellectual developmental disabilities.

This issue of the e-newsletter will also feature a highlight of Synergies Work, a community partner who helps individuals with disabilities build sustainable businesses by connecting them to the larger business community, helping them access funding, and get the resources they need to succeed.

We hope you enjoy reading the newsletter and hope that these articles plus updates on what is happening in Georgia will provide you with new and useful information. We want to hear from you. Let us know your thoughts and comments about the newsletter by writing tianna [DOT] faulkner [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] govtianna [DOT] faulkner [AT] gcdd [DOT] ga [DOT] gov.

Nick Perry, Chairman

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Getting to Know Your Legislator

Public Policy for the People provides public policy updates as it pertains to people with disabilities here in Georgia. 

Georgia State Capitol Building

With the legislative session over and elections season not quite in full swing, summer is the perfect time to reach out to your state legislators. State representatives and senators are back in their home districts, and many are running re-election campaigns. It’s a great time to reach out and let them know what problems you see and what policies could earn your vote this November.

Georgia’s General Assembly is a part-time citizen legislature. This means that legislating is not a full-time job, and our legislators are rarely policy experts. They are members of your community who have other pursuits and often full-time jobs outside of their legislative work. Georgia’s legislators rely on others–and especially their constituents–to tell them what important issues are facing Georgia.

Many times during the legislative session, a senator or representative will introduce a resolution or a bill because of a conversation they had with a constituent. Citizens and voters play a key role in bringing issues to the table that might otherwise go unnoticed. State representatives have far fewer constituents and hear from their constituents far less often than federal representatives. Although reaching out to your federal legislators is also valuable, state government represents a unique opportunity to have more influence.

Hearing from a self-advocate or a family member can be eye-opening for a legislator who may not have much personal experience with intellectual or developmental disabilities in their everyday life. Telling your state senator or representative about your personal experiences and linking them to an actionable policy response can be highly effective.

It’s also helpful to thank your legislator for all the hard work they did during the legislative session, and especially for any efforts they made to support Georgians with developmental disabilities. Our elected officials tend to hear a lot about the problems facing our state, so it is refreshing for them to hear about successes. During the 2022 session, Georgia made historic investments in funding for NOW and COMP waivers services. Nearly every legislator voted in favor of the omnibus budget bill that included this funding, so there’s a good chance you will be able to thank your legislator for their support.

GCDD has many resources to support you and your family as you reach out to your senator and representative. You can find your legislators, find their contact information, use our email template, and view our guide for sharing your story with a senator or representative. Happy advocating!

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COVID-19 Update

By Naomi D. Williams, GCDD Vaccination Project Coordinator

In May 2022, the United States of American reached the grim milestone of over one million Americans dying from COVID-19. As summer approaches, many people are living and going about their daily lives—the same as they were before the pandemic began. Society wants to go about life as if COVID-19 is over, but the fact is that the COVID-19 pandemic is not over. The world has endured two years of a life altering virus. People are eager for things to go back to the way they were pre-pandemic, but now is not the time to become complacent and simply revert to living the way we want and doing what we want to do.

What lessons has COVID-19 taught us over the past two years?

COVID-19 affects and impacts people from all walks of life. No one is immune from getting COVID-19, and if contracted, it can affect people differently. There are people who live with and suffer from long-term, lingering symptoms, called “long covid.” The best way of decreasing the spread of the virus and protecting against severe outcomes is by washing and sanitizing your hands often, wearing a mask indoors and when around others you don’t usually share space with, and staying current with your vaccinations and booster shots. We’ve also learned that even by taking all precautions, we can still get infected with the virus.

You may wonder what’s the point of taking precautions and implementing prevention steps if there is still a possibility of contracting the virus? That’s a great question to ask. Research has shown, and we’ve seen firsthand, that the virus mutates, and new variants are born, some stronger than others. The virus will continue to change because that’s what viruses do to survive. Since a vaccination has become available, research has shown that people who are unvaccinated experience more severe complications and account for more COVID-19 deaths than those who are vaccinated.  

New Updates

  • Over one million people have died in the U.S. from COVID-19
  • Every state is showing increased cases of COVID-19, along with increased hospitalizations
  • Booster shots (Pfizer) for children ages 5-11 years old are approved by the CDC
  • Public Health Emergency (PHE) designation is set to end July 15th. This means exceptions that have been made during the Public Health Emergency will go away, such as Appendix K; Nursing Aides needing certification to work in nursing homes; telehealth appointments not being covered the same; and free COVID-19 testing, treatment, and vaccination, and more)

Known Facts

  • COVID-19 is still here. It’s still making people sick. It’s still causing people to be admitted to the hospital. It’s still a cause of preventable deaths.
  • Wearing a mask and frequently washing our hands help reduce the spread of the virus.
  • Vaccines and booster shots are still available for free.
  • COVID-19 vaccination reduces the risk of severe outcomes, such as hospitalizations, long COVID-19 effects, and possible death from the virus.
  • Information on COVID-19 vaccines in Georgia is available at https://dph.georgia.gov/covid-vaccine
  • You can order free at-home COVID-19 test kits at https://www.covid.gov/tests

Where do we go from here?

ArticleThree Vaccine GraphicThe Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is committed to keeping individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their family members informed about pandemic developments. We encourage you to plan for and protect yourself and your family. Stay S.M.A.R.T. and advocate for what you need to stay active, healthy, and included:

Shots: Get your booster shot and share with others why you chose to get vaccinated. If you have health conditions that prevent you from getting the vaccine, share how others getting their shot and being vaccinated continues to help protect you.

Make a plan: Plan how to best protect yourself and your family members from contracting the virus and how to minimize its effects if you do get the virus. When everything shut down in March 2020, many were stuck not knowing what to do next. What can you put into action now? What resources and supports do you need to stay active, safe, and included?

Ask for help: The last couple of years have taken a toll on us emotionally and mentally. The isolation and feeling of overwhelm is real for everyone. It is more pronounced and palpable in the aging and disability communities. It’s okay to ask for help and seek out a counselor or therapist to work through the trauma that you or a loved one may have experienced.

Resources: Find the resources that you need to keep you and your family’s needs met for 90 days. Do you have refills for your prescriptions? Do you need to see your doctor? Do you have masks, hand sanitizer, cleaning products, toiletries, and food? This is not a suggestion that you hoard any of these items, it’s a reminder to consider what you need to have on hand or accessible to remain active, healthy, safe, and included.

Time: Now is the time to prepare and protect yourself from future infections, such as the flu, before fall COVID-19 surges, and even other natural disasters and emergencies such as a fire, power outage, or hurricane. March 2020 caught many of us unprepared. We expected to be back to our “normal” lives within six months. Now, over two years later with no defined end in sight, it’s important to ensure that you do what you can control to keep yourself and your family active, included, safe, and supported. Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

Remember: People may be over covid, but covid is not over!

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GCDD Welcomes Three New Council Members

Barbara HallBarbara “Babs” Hall is employed with the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services as the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) Team Lead. She has worked in the field of health and human services for over 20 years, including field experience in both Child Protective Services and Adult Protective Services as well as non-profit aging and behavioral health services. Prior to joining the team at the Division of Aging Services, Hall served as the Family Support Manager and Statewide Participant-direction Manager for the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities (DBHDD). Additionally, Hall previously served as the Corporate Compliance Officer and Individual Rights Coordinator with Aspire Behavioral Health and Developmental Disability Services as well as the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) Program Manager for SOWEGA Council on Aging, both located in Albany, Georgia. She also served as the Affiliate Relations Manager with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Georgia chapter, currently serves on the Executive Committee of the Georgia Gerontology Society as the immediate Past-President, and was named to Georgia Trend’s 40 Under 40 list in 2017. Hall grew up surrounded by family and friends who believed in giving back to the community, which instilled a sense of purpose in Hall and later defined her career path. She is currently enrolled in graduate school, pursuing a Master of Science in Organizational Leadership with a specialization in healthcare, is a newlywed to her husband Dave, and has three cats.


Wina LowWina Low currently serves as the State Director with the Georgia Department of Education, Division for Special Education Supports and Services and has been working in the disability community and industry since 1989. Prior to serving as State Director, she was a Program Manager Senior with primary responsibilities including the Teacher/Provider Retention Program, leadership for the CEEDAR project, co-lead for the Special Education Leadership Development Academy as well as effective transition, assistive technology, and professional learning while maintaining a focus on improved post-secondary outcomes for students with disabilities. Low has 38 years of experience as an educator having served as a middle grade’s classroom teacher, educational diagnostician, and local district Student Services Director for 17 years prior to joining the Georgia Department of Education in 2013.  She enjoys supporting students and their families to remove barriers academically, as well as in life. Additionally, Low enjoys spending time with her family, including her English Bulldog Lucy and loves to travel.


Sharifa PeartSharifa Peart currently works for the Georgia Department of Public Health, Maternal and Child Health Section. In her current role, she is the Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Director. Peart has worked within this industry for the past ten years. Prior to her role with the Georgia Department of Public Health, she worked with a nonprofit named the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation where she oversaw its hearing services program. Peart has committed her professional career to serving others and she enjoys working with so many passionate individuals working to make Georgia a better place. In her free time, she enjoys traveling, reading, cooking, and exploring Georgia’s state parks.


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Idea to Incubation: Entrepreneurship Success for People with Developmental Disabilities

The Synergies Work i2i (Idea to Incubation) Program is the only entrepreneurial program in the United States offering mentorship, business education, funding, and ongoing support to enable individuals with disabilities to launch and grow sustainable businesses.

The i2i Incubator Program is offered every 6 months, and participants engage weekly for a 10-week period. Members of each i2i Cohort participate in weekly Learning Labs with business leaders, receive one-on-one coaching from mentors, and receive 2-6 hours of support from the Synergies Work team to actively develop their business ideas, create a sustainable support structure, develop their business plan, and outline the steps necessary to successfully achieve their business goals.

Founded by Aarti Sahgal, a parent of a young adult with Down Syndrome, Synergies Work believes in raising the bar for individuals with disabilities by challenging the soft bigotry of low expectations.

We Build Sustainable Businesses for Individuals with DisabilitiesThroughout the program, each participant receives between 20-50 hours of support from established entrepreneurs, legal consultants, accountants, disability rights advocates, and other members from the business and disability community to help them navigate the world of entrepreneurship and create a sustainable structure that can help them succeed following the incubator.

The program is open to all people who self-identify as disabled and comes at zero cost to the participant. Entry into the program is based on an application and interview.

After successful completion of the i2i Incubator Program, participants graduate to the i2i Accelerator Program that provides one-on-one support for participants to execute their business plan and make it sustainable. The Accelerator Program is a two-year commitment, and Synergies Work staff frequently continue to support entrepreneurs after the two years has been completed.

Participants who complete the i2i Incubator Program are also eligible to apply for an Impact Grant of $500-$2000, aimed at helping them to launch or grow their business. Successful applicants receive funding based on their business plan and proposed use of the grant funds.

“The work is slow and deliberate, but we are ready to do it because for us, every individual matters,” says founder Aarti Sahgal. “Like a caring parent, we nurture each individual and their business with faith and patience while creating a ‘holding environment’ for their business that buffers them against distress and creates room for experimentation.”

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Quarterly GCDD Council Meeting

Mark your calendars! GCDD’s next quarterly council meeting is scheduled for July 14-15.

Learn More about Council Meetings

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GCDD e-news - June 2023

e News 1

A Digital Newsletter from the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities   •   June 2023

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities newsletter keeps you up-to-date on the latest news, from what’s happening with public policy in Georgia to COVID-19 updates to upcoming events. 

In This Issue:

A Message from GCDD Executive Director

I love the legislative session. I am passionate about public policy, and I am an expert on public policy. That is my happy place! It’s such an intense season and with this being my first one as GCDD’s Executive Director, I was happy to be a part of it. 

During this year’s session, our public policy team pushed for people to email their legislators and over 6,000 emails were sent. This had a huge impact! Through this effort, I feel like we’ve come a long way educating people on how hard it is to get waiver services. I believe we are now on the path of getting Georgia to no longer have a waiting list for services.

Now that the 2023 legislative session is over, I am shifting my focus to supporting and building our membership and staff. 

I’ve been working on re-imagining the roles and responsibilities of the Executive Director and the Deputy Director. Since my strength is in public policy and programmatic pieces, I feel it would be beneficial for the Council to have a Deputy Director. This person will oversee our operations and manage finances, look for other state or federal funding opportunities, and make sure our projects are on track. We are in the process of interviewing for this position. 

We are also hiring a Public Policy Research and Development Director. This person coordinates and administers GCDD’s public policy program while working closely with myself and our Legislative Advocacy Director to plan and implement comprehensive, effective public policy strategies in collaboration with Council members, staff, advocates, and partner organizations. 

Our Council Chair and Vice Chair positions have seen changes, too. I am pleased to announce that Nick Perry and Lisa Newbern have switched their roles: Lisa is now our Council Chair and Nick is our Vice Chair.

Nick suggested this change after becoming a new dad earlier this year. He wanted to have more time to focus on the new addition to his family. Lisa agreed to the change, and I’m really excited for her to be in this role! Nick offered to stay on as Vice Chair which will make this a seamless and smooth transition. 

Lisa and Nick have been advocating for people with disabilities for many years. Both have family members with a disability. Nick is a sibling of a younger brother with disabilities while Lisa has a son who has disabilities. They bring a strong set of advocacy skills and lived experiences to our Council, while juggling other responsibilities in their lives. 

I look forward to seeing the great things that Lisa will do in her new role as Chair. I am confident that that her transition into the new role will be a smooth one. Her presence is always so positive and energetic. To me, she is a great example of “mom power!” She is a truly passionate advocate not only for her son, but for all people with disabilities and has always emphasized the importance of inclusion. 

Let’s welcome this new season of positive transition! This summer and beyond promises to bring many opportunities of growth for our members, staff, and the work we do to improve services and support for Georgians with developmental disabilities. 

D’Arcy Robb

Executive Director, GCDD

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GCDD releases communications survey

230505 Comms Survey Graphic GCDDWe want to hear from you. In the interest of improving our communications to people with developmental disabilities, their families and the community, the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) has released a short communications survey to learn more about what kind of information our community is interested in; and what formats and channels they like to receive information.

To take the survey, click here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/gcddemails

The survey is open until June 16, 2023.

New White Paper Identifies Technology Barriers for Georgians with Developmental Disabilities

In the summer of 2021, the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) held multiple virtual town hall sessions to discuss the issues that Georgians with developmental disabilities and their families thought were most critical for GCDD to address through our work. The strategic five-year plan that was created from these conversations included the need to address the technology divide that impacts Georgians with developmental disabilities living in rural parts of the state.

GCDD released a notice of funds available (NOFA) for a technology access whitepaper and Blue Fire, Inc, and their team Dr. Mark Friedman, Dr. Ruthie-Marie Beckwith and David Taylor were awarded the grant. In June of 2022, they began the technology access white paper with the goal to identify barriers for people with developmental disabilities to use technology and to develop recommendations to overcome these issues, particularly in rural and underserved areas.

At the start of the project the Blue Fire, Inc. team organized a 25 member Project Advisory Committee of self-advocates, family members, leaders of disability focused organizations and experts in Technology First initiatives that ensure technology access for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. That committee developed surveys, focus groups and interviews to learn more about how technology is accessed, what barriers people encounter when trying to use technology and ways they have found to get past those obstacles. At the completion of the project data was evaluated from 170 people, including 97 people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD), on their use of technology. 

The data identified four key barriers to technology adoption and usage, including access to devices, access to the internet, support, and assistance in using devices, and training. Key findings from the survey indicated the continuing importance of families (49%) and Direct Support Professionals (47%) in providing technological support and assistance to people with disabilities. In addition, the Blue Fire team reported, “The most compelling results from the survey were the comparison of technology usage by the survey respondents with the general US population. This revealed limited access and use of technology by people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.”

Data also showed that the usage of technology for resources such as email and video conferencing were drastically lower in groups with disabilities when compared to users without disabilities. The largest difference was seen in the utilization of telemedicine by survey respondents with disabilities reporting a 12% usage rate while the US average for those without disabilities stood at 80%. As telehealth is a critical resource for people in rural parts of the state who have physicians who are located considerable distances away it is concerning to see they are not utilizing this valuable healthcare platform.

Recently Federal Medicaid Waivers added funding for Assistive Technology as an approved service by the Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities for the first time. Mark Friedman of Blue Fire sees this as a critical first step in Georgia to expand tech access and usage across the state.

The Blue Fire Inc, team has been awarded the project for a second year and will utilize best practices from other states utilizing Technology First engagement and legislation to create a blueprint for how Georgia can most effectively and sustainably increase numbers access and usage of technology for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Technology first is systems change framework where technology is considered first in the discussion of support options available to individuals and families to promote meaningful participation, and greater social inclusion, self-determination, and quality of life.

GCDD 's project manager on the contract Maria Pinkelton stated that, “This data is very informative, and we are excited to further work in this area to make the benefits of technology a reality for all of Georgia.”

View Blue Fire Inc’s complete Technology Access white paper here.

Lisa Newbern Appointed as New Council Chair, Nick Perry to become Vice Chair

Lisa NewbernAt the April 2023 Council meeting of the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD), the Council approved a motion for Nick Perry to assume the role of Vice Chair after his tenure as Chair of Council. Current Vice Chair Lisa Newbern will now assume the role of Chair for the Council. 

Newbern has held many roles at GCDD starting as Family Advisor from 2012 to 2014. She then was appointed as a member to the Council in early 2021. That year, Newbern served as parliamentarian, becoming the Vice Chair in January 2022. In that role, she led the Executive Director search committee, which selected D'Arcy Robb as the new director. Robb's term started in Fall 2022. 

Her journey in disability began years before she got involved with GCDD. She was a child life volunteer at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta (CHOA) where she spent time playing with babies. "I fell in love with this little baby who had Down Syndrome, and just enjoyed my time with him so much," she recalls. Years later, Newbern welcomed a son of her own who was also diagnosed with Down Syndrome. 

"I believe it was some sort of divine intervention having met that little baby years ago," says Newbern. "When our son was born, we never asked 'why?' We just asked, 'what can we do to make his life the best possible?'"

In her new role as Chair, she is excited to continue the work with Nick Perry, former chair and now Vice Chair. Her main goals are to continue to move GCDD’s Five Year State Plan, the Council's strategic plan forward to make Georgia better for the disability community. With so much change happening today in disability policy and society itself, Newbern is encouraging individuals and families across the state to get familiar with the Council and apply to become a member. 

"There is so much more that can be done, and we really want to work with our individuals, families, and caregivers to make a lasting impact," she adds. "What I hope to bring to GCDD, now as chair of the organization, is continuing to help people with developmental disabilities to live the lives that they want to live."

EDDIE Awards Celebrate Entrepreneurs with Disabilities

Synergies Work of Atlanta was started in 2016 by Aarti Sahgal to provide entrepreneurs who have disabilities ways to bring their business ideas to fruition through mentors, resources and community help. 

EDDIE Award WinnersEDDIE Award Winners (photo courtesy of Synergies Work)Sahgal’s focus is to challenge the low expectations that exclude people with disabilities from living their true potential. She has worked to bring the worlds of the business community and the disability community together. The programs at Synergies Work aim to support and empower entrepreneurs with disabilities. And the success stories from their clients continue to show that it’s working.

Celebrating the business successes of their clients led to the creation of the EDDIE (Entrepreneurs Dedicated to Diverse and Inclusive Excellence) Awards. Synergies Work received over 80 award applications from all over the United States and winners were announced at their sold-out inaugural event of over 200 people on April 27, 2023 in Sandy Springs, GA.

The awards had five categories: Creativity, Newcomer, Techpreneur, Social Impact, and Heart of the Community. Each category highlighted entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs who have made strides in their respective fields. 

The winners included:

  • Creativity: Lachi, founder of RAMPD - RAMPD is a platform connecting a fast-growing global network of entrepreneurs with disabilities to the music, events, and entertainment industries.
  • Newcomer: Trevor Dealy, founder of Trev’s Trades - Trev’s Trades is an artisanal soap-making company providing handmade, organic soaps.
  • Techpreneur: Vanessa Castaneda Gill, founder of Social Cipher - Social Cipher is a game-based social-emotional learning platform that helps neurodivergent youth understand themselves and those around them. The platform is in 220 schools in six countries.
  • Social Impact: Dom Kelly, founder of New Disabled South - New Disabled South is the first regional disability rights and disability justice organization in the country. 
  • Heart of the Community: Austin Underwood, founder of Austin’s Underdawgs - Austin’s Underdawgs is a hot dog food truck and franchise based in Dallas Fort-Worth. 

Additionally, Synergies Work presented the Entrepreneur of The Year Award to Vanessa Castaneda Gill, founder of Social Cipher, who received $10,000 in seed money towards her company to help her make a larger impact. 

The evening also featured entertainment by DJ Sly, a visually impaired performer and DJ; Voices of Hope Aphasia Choir; a spoken word performance by Jasmin Duffey; and Lachi, who performed and sang for the guests. 

Shan Cooper, founder and CEO of Journey Forward Strategies, provided the evening’s keynote. Her company is a solutions-focused consulting firm that specializes in leadership development and organization effectiveness.

More about Synergies Work

Synergies Work is the largest community of disability-led startups in the United States today.

“We offer a free, five-week course to help entrepreneurs with disabilities turn their ideas into successful business ventures,” said Sahgal. Participants leave with a solid business plan, a website, email address, an employer identification number, a limited liability company (LLC) business structure and more.

The organization also offers an intensive 11-week “Idea to Incubation” program to grow startups that uses learning labs, one-on-one coaching, grants and more. The next cohort for this program begins in January 2024 and is offered at no charge to entrepreneurs with disabilities.

When it comes to understanding and meeting her company’s goal, Sahgal reflects on her mission to impact one million entrepreneurs with disabilities within the next five years through a platform of access. 

The platform has three key initiatives and includes:

  • Building community through weekly meet-ups as well as hosting classes featuring business leaders sharing their knowledge on taxes, marketing, ChatGPT and more.
  • Creating a marketplace where entrepreneurs with disabilities can set up shop and sell their products and services.
  • Offering a Community Development Financial Institutions Fund (CDFI Fund) to provide financial backing to entrepreneurs with disabilities.

For more information about Synergies Work, as well as success stories of entrepreneurs with disabilities, visit syngergieswork.org.