Building Communities with Roving Listeners

Building Communities with Roving Listeners
My name is Lucas Rice. I live in Kathleen, GA. I began working with the Macon Roving Listeners in early June. Even though I am still in the learning process, I can tell that some changes have been made in the areas that have been listened to in the previous years. In the past, the residents...

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Action Alert: GCDD Webinar on Federal Health Care Changes

If you have turned on the news lately, picked up the paper, or tuned in to your favorite radio show, there is a good chance that you already know our US Congress in Washington DC is currently discussing big changes to both Medicaid and our healthcare system. Phrases like Per Capita Caps, Block...

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March is DD Awareness Month!

March is DD Awareness Month!
It's #DDAwareness17 Month in Georgia! Governor Nathan Deal has proclaimed March as Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month in the State to promote better understanding and inclusion of people with disabilities in daily life. Click here to download a pdf of the Proclamation. National...

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Very Important! Contact your Legislators Today!

Hello Advocates! It is crunch time. Two bills that GCDD supports are up for vote on Monday morning. We need you to take five minutes to either make a phone call or send an email today. Even if you cannot call today, send an email this weekend. 1. Your Senator: Tell your Senator that you...

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The Race is on for Crossover Day: Call in Monday to learn more

Hello Advocates, Call in for our weekly Monday morning public policy call, this Monday, February 27 at 9:30 am. With Crossover Day coming up fast, things are changing constantly down at the Capitol. We have a lot of work to do and need all of our advocates on board. Tune in to hear how you can...

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Call to Advocates!

Advocates!It is crunch time. Two bills that GCDD supports are up for vote on Monday morning. We need you to take five minutes to either make a phone call or send an email today. Even if you cannot call today, send an email this weekend. 1. Your Senator: Tell your Senator that you support the...

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Critical Need for Inclusion in the Arts

Critical Need for Inclusion in the Arts
When I describe Full Radius Dance as a physically integrated company composed of dancers with and without disabilities to a new acquaintance, their response is usually along the lines of, “That must be so rewarding.” After hearing this repeatedly, I began asking myself, “Why? Why this reaction?...

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NOW WAIVER PUBLIC FORUMS The New Options Waiver Program (NOW) which serves people with intellectual and developmental disabilities is scheduled for renewal in September 2017 via application to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). The Department of Community Health and the...

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