Around GCDD: Spring 2016

Around GCDD: Spring 2016
GCDD’s Real Communities Initiative Receives National AwardThe American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) will present its 2016 Full Community Inclusion Award to the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) for its Real Communities Initiative at the...

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Viewpoint: Successful Advocacy

Viewpoint: Successful Advocacy
This has been a good year! As I write, the 2016 General Assembly is still meeting but we can expect $3.7 million in new funds to increase the rates for the Independent Care Waiver Program. This means that individuals with significant physical disabilities can pay direct support professionals a...

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A Look Back at the 2016 Legislative Session

A major milestone of the legislative session, Day 30, or Crossover Day, occurred on February 29. Crossover Day is the deadline by which a bill must cross from its originating chamber to the other in order to have enough time to complete the entire bill process before the end of session. On that...

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HCBS Survey - Your Opinion Matters

As a part of on-going efforts that will inform Georgia's Statewide Transition Plan for the Home and Community Based Services Settings Rule, the Department of Community Health (DCH) is asking stakeholders to participate in a short online survey. Submitting your responses is another way to have an...

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2016 Disability Day at the Capitol - Vote Disability

2016 Disability Day at the Capitol - Vote Disability
GCDD celebrated the 18th annual Disability Day at The Capitol on Feb. 18, 2016 in Downtown Atlanta. It was also announced that this would be the last Disability Day. We have been honored to have a strong disability and advocacy community join us for the past 18 years and advocate for inclusive...

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GCDD is hiring: Community Organizing Director

Community Organizing Director| Atlanta GA 30303 USA | Full TimeJob Description Real Communities Overview: Real Communities is state wide community organizing initiative started in 2009 by the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities to find ways to bring together people with and without...

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Action Alert: Support the ICWP Personal Support Rate Increase

Dear ICWP Advocate: Thank you to those who attended GCDD's final Disability Day at the Capitol on Thursday. Last week, the House approved the full $3.7 million UNLOCK ask to get the ICWP Personal Support rates up to mirror the CCSP/SOURCE personal support rates. While this is wonderful news, it...

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GCDD Announces Ted Jackson As Disability Day Keynote Speaker

GCDD welcomes Ted Jackson, GOTV (Get Out The Vote) Strategist and California Foundation for Independent Living Center's (CFILC) Community Organizing Director as the keynote speaker for the 18th annual Disability Day at the Capitol: The Disability Vote - Feel the Power! on Feb. 18 in Downtown...

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STRAIGHT TALK: Goals and Aspirations

I am 21 years old, and I was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when I was born. A walker gets me around my house, and a wheelchair gets me around the world outside of it. I rode a different bus to school than most students did since they had no need of a wheelchair lift. It takes me longer than...

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