Action Alert: Support the ICWP Personal Support Rate Increase

Dear ICWP Advocate:

Thank you to those who attended GCDD's final Disability Day at the Capitol on Thursday. Last week, the House approved the full $3.7 million UNLOCK ask to get the ICWP Personal Support rates up to mirror the CCSP/SOURCE personal support rates. While this is wonderful news, it is critical that the Senate AGREE with House on this budget item and keep the full $3,774,382 in the budget.

We need you to contact key Senate committee members TODAY to ask them to keep the full amount of $3,774,382 in the budget. Please see go to the "What can you do" section to find the emails of key Senators and a template letter you can use.

The Problem: Out of all the Medicaid Waivers in Georgia that support individuals with disabilities to live in their community, the ICWP waiver is by far the lowest reimbursed waiver. As a result, Georgians on ICWP find it nearly impossible to find and keep qualified caregivers and these caregivers are among the working poor. Please see the ICWP fact sheet and rate card to learn more.

The Solution: What can you do? Please send an email to Chairman Burke and all the Senators on the Senate Community Health Appropriations Subcommittee TODAY but no later than Thursday, February 25 and cc: on each email. There is a letter template (click here or see below) included with this email for your convenience.

The Subcommittee and their contact information are as follows:
Community Health
Albers, John
Burke, Dean
Seay, Valencia
Unterman, Renee S
Williams, Tommie

Please don't forget to copy to share your story of why ICWP rate increase is desperately needed. If you need additional information, call GCDD Public Policy Director Dawn Alford at 404-805-9741 or email .

Thank you for your support.


Dear Senator "insert last name of committee member":

State your name, where you live, the name of the person on the ICWP waiver, your relationship to that person if it is your loved one. Tell how long you (or your loved one) have been on the ICWP waiver and the kinds of difficulties and challenges it causes your family to have such a low pay rate. Tell how raising the rate would help you and your family. Be sure to mention if it has impacted anyone's ability to go to work or if you have lost a job because of not being able to find/keep caregivers at the low rate.

I respectfully request that you support the UNLOCK request to raise the ICWP Personal Support rates to mirror the CCSP/SOURCE Personal Support rates so Georgians on ICWP and their families can find and keep qualified caregivers. The House approved the full amount needed for a budget impact of $3,774,382; so please keep this full amount in the budget.

Thank you for your consideration.

Give your full name, complete mailing address, phone number, and email address