Archived Public Policy for the People Newsletters

Moving Forward: Vol. 17, Issue 12

Three days left until Sine Die! The Senate passed the budget during the floor session on Wednesday, with Senator Hill, Chairman of Appropriations reviewing the changes from the House version and describing the pro-development aspects of the budget. The Senate retained the budget items that the...

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Moving Forward: Vol. 17, Issue 5

AMENDED BUDGET HEARINGS: The subcomittee for House Appropriations held the final budget meetings and votes on Wednesday. Thursday morning Full Appropriations voted out the FY 2012 A budget. After the House floor vote, it moves to the Senate. This issue of Moving Forward reviews changes to the FY...

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Moving Forward: Vol. 17, Issue 6

AMENDED BUDGET: The Fiscal year 2012 budget passed the House Friday February 3rd. Senate sub-committees worked on it this week, next steps are full Senate Appropriations approval and then to the Senate Floor for the vote. In the meantime, the House has begun subcommittee meetings on the FY 2013...

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Moving Forward: Vol. 17, Issue 7

DISABILITY DAY AT THE CAPITOL! Despite a steady, misting rain, 2000 advocates, friends and family gathered at the Capitol steps to hear from Governor Deal, Mark Perriello from AAPD, The Reverend Gerald L. Durley, recognize fallen soldiers and honor advocates. The Governor addressed the...

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Moving Forward: Vol. 17, Issue 8

AMENDED BUDGET: The Fiscal year 2012 budget passed Senate Appropriations on Tuesday, February 21. Senate Appropriations differed from the House on several funding items, so after Senate approval, the budget goes to conference committee to work out the differences. One notable add by the Senate...

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Moving Forward: Vol. 17, Issue 9

2013 BUDGET: The subcommittees on Appropriations in the House will vote all their budgets out on Monday, March 5th, followed by a Full Appropriations vote on the entire budget. Plans are to have the budget on the floor of the House on Day 30! If you wrote your legislator, THANK YOU! We hope to...

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Moving Forward: Vol. 17, Issue 10

DAY 30, Crossover Day! Wednesday was the 2nd longest day of the legislative session, as both Houses strive to get bills they want to keep alive passed out of their respective houses. On the back page, we have edited out the bills that have not crossed over. The House passed the 2013 budget. The...

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Moving Forward: Vol. 17, Issue 11

Home Stretch! Wednesday March 14th was Day 33. Next week, the legislature is scheduled to be in Monday through Thursday, which will be Day 37, and then we’ll get an adjournment calendar for the rest of the session. The Senate is working on the FY 2013 budget, and we have had conversations with...

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Moving Forward: Vol. 16, Issue 1

Happy New Year! This is the first issue of Moving Forward for the 2011 Legislative Session. In this issue, we review the leadership changes in the House and Senate, the budget items of interest to the disabilities community (still in the proposed stage), and preview the pre-filed legislation....

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Moving Forward: Vol. 16, Issue 3

State Agencies reviewed their budgets before the Joint Committee on Appropriations. The Sessions began with the Governor reviewing his proposals, and the state’s economist summarizing the economic context in which budget decisions will be made. While many of these economic indicators appear to...

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