Press Releases

Press Releases

The press release section includes official GCDD news and announcements about issues and events pertaining to people with developmental disabilities and their families in Georgia.

Media Relations: If you are a member of the media and would like additional information or have an interview request, please contact:

Tianna Faulkner
Media Relations Director



GCDD Promotes National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Reviews the Department of Justice Investigation into the Georgia Department of Education GNETS Program and Examines Georgia’s Progress toward the ABLE Act in the Fall issue of Making a Differen

ATLANTA, GA, November 4, 2015 -- Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities’ (GCDD) Fall edition of Making a Difference quarterly news magazine highlights National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) by covering the Employment First Georgia (EFG) campaign to make competitive...

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GCDD Welcomes National Disability Leaders for Atlanta's 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act Celebration, Sponsors 10th anniversary symposium of the Children’s Freedom Initiative, and Reports on the Olmstead Settlement Agreement between

ATLANTA, GA, August 19, 2015 -- Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities’ (GCDD) Summer edition of Making a Difference quarterly news magazine commemorates the 25th anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) with coverage of the ADA25 Georgia Legacy Parade and the national ADA...

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Parade to Celebrate 25th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Marchers, Drummers, Speakers, Dancers Gather in Downtown Atlanta to Honor ADA Legacy

MEDIA ADVISORY: June 13, 2015 WHO:• Claudia Gordon, the first known deaf African-American female lawyer and current Chief-of-Staff for the U. S. Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs• Simi Linton, one of America's foremost experts on disability and the arts,...

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