Pat Puckett to Retire After Years of Advocacy and Service

Tireless disability advocate and leader Pat Puckett will retire from her role as executive director of the Statewide Independent Living Council (SILC) of Georgia at the end of 2015.

Puckett founded SILC in 1995 and since then, has provided Georgians with disabilities a platform for advocacy. SILC advocated for disability programs across the State and also for equal access in transportation and Medicaid reform, among other platforms.

Among her accomplishments, Puckett is a founding board member of the Georgia Budget and Policy Institute and she was one of five Georgians to receive the institute’s award for visionary leadership. She has been an active member of many state and national organizations working to accomplish inclusive disability policy and services.
Shelly Simmons, current assistant director of SILC, will assume the role of executive director starting January 2016.

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