CRPD on the Floor Today - TAKE ACTION!

What do we want . . . CRPD! When do we want it . . . NOW!

The Time has come! Senate Majority Leader Reid has announced that he will be bringing the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to the Senate floor TODAY to move closer to ratification! The community must raise its voice TODAY!

Yesterday, Senator Lee, former Senator Rick Santorum and Michael Farris from the Home School Legal Defense Association held a press conference and falsely announced that they have the votes to defeat us. Santorum then headed to an interview with Piers Morgan to oppose the treaty as well. They continue to misrepresent US ratification of the treaty - WE need to be the community force that counters this effort!

We must tell Senator Reid and the rest of the US Senate that we support the CRPD as reported by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee with no additional amendments! The reservations, understandings, and declarations added to the treaty package were carefully crafted to address all the issues raised by the opposition. WE support the RUDS and NO NEW AMENDMENTS!

This is a DISABILITY TREATY . . . and the DISABILITY COMMUNITY is its voice! We need you to raise your voice! (And send this message to at least two friends to raise their voices!)

Please call Senator Reid and say THANK YOU for taking up CRPD. Call: (202) 224-3542.

Please call your Senators with the message: Vote YES on the CRPD as reported

Share this message with at least two other people and ask them to call, email, tweet, and raise their voices!

Helpful links:

Contact Senators here:

Find Senator Twitter IDs here:

The time has come for us all to join together to support the equal access and justice for all people with disabilities . . . your call matters . . . your voice matters . . . YOU MATTER! Let the Senate know it!

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