Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities' (GCDD) summer edition of Making a Difference quarterly news magazine covers Georgia’s seven Inclusive Post-secondary Education (IPSE) programs across the State; accessibility at the new Atlanta Braves ballpark and Atlanta Falcons stadium; and grassroots efforts to build stronger communities by showcasing the talents and work skills of people with disabilities. Other articles include: Governor Nathan Deal launches Georgia's STABLE savings accounts for people with disabilities; Real Communities organizes community change with ABCD; Real Communities Spotlight on the Forsyth Farmers’ Market; Perspectives from students and parents particiating in IPSE college programs; getting around accessibly with the ParaPerks app; and how IPSE programs are growing across the nation.
English: Making a Difference: Summer 2017 (PDF
Spanish: Marcando la diferencia: verano 2017 (PDF)