GCDD Meetings
Next GCDD Council Meeting
Date: April 24-25, 2025 (in person)
Location: GCDD's Office
Sloppy Floyd Building, West Tower
200 Piedmont Avenue SE
Suite 426, 4th Floor
Atlanta, GA 30334
Meeting Agendas and Minutes
GCDD holds quarterly Council member meetings throughout the year. Once approved, the meeting agendas and minutes are available to the public.
View the agendas and minutes for past meetings of the GCDD Council.
About the Council Meetings
GCDD conducts most of its work as a "committee of the whole" meaning that decisions and recommendations are brought before the full Council membership for research, discussion and consensus decision making by the membership. The role of a committee structure is to facilitate and support this decision making process by conducting research, providing information and making recommendations about the direction that the organization might take concerning an issue.
GCDD has an Executive Committee that is responsible for developing governance policies and activities to support the membership, providing oversight of Council operations and policy and working in support of, or occasionally in place of, the full board. The Executive Committee is also responsible for ongoing review and recommendations to enhance the quality of the members and for developing rules for members’ conduct. Finally, the Executive Committee is responsible for assisting GCDD in ensuring the organization is in good fiscal health and in compliance with State and Federal financial rules and regulations.
The full Council, a committee or staff can recommend that the Council establish a committee. This is a time limited and objective-specific committee created to help GCDD accomplish its work. This might include examining issues of potential GCDD involvement, monitoring GCDD supported projects for performance, or determining how GCDD will expend funds for a potential project. The full Council must approve the establishment of a committee. In the case of emerging issues, the Executive Committee may establish an team, but it must be approved at the next meeting of the full Council.