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The Council

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities (GCDD) is one of 56 DD Councils in the United States and territories that report to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Administration for Community Living. It is authorized under Public Law 106-402, the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act Amendments of 2000.

Our activities are governed by a 28-member board, appointed by the Governor and comprised of at least 60 percent individuals with developmental disabilities (DD) and family members. Other members include policymakers that represent various agencies and organizations having a vested interest in people with DD.

GCDD serves as an advocate for all persons with DD. We are charged with creating systems change for people with DD and their families by increasing opportunities for independence, inclusion, integration, productivity and self-determination. Activities include public policy research and analysis, reform, project demonstrations, education and training.

Applications for Council Membership

Applying for appointment to the 28-member Council is a true form of advocacy. If you are appointed to the Council, all members are responsible for attending four quarterly meetings, held virtually or in-person. Members are reimbursed for lodging, meals and mileage to attend meetings. Applicants should have first-hand knowledge about DD in Georgia.

Learn more about how to apply:

Members / Partners

Council Members / Advisory Board Members

  • Melissa Barwick
    Georgia Department Of Human Services – Designee

  • Jeff Allen
    Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency – Designee
  • Lori Campbell
    Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities – Designee
  • Jessica Cowell
    Self Advocate
  • Mark Crenshaw
    Executive Committee Member
    Center for Leadership in Disability - Georgia State University – Designee
  • Wesley Ford
  • Dorothy Harris
  • Rena Harris
    Georgia Advocacy Office - Designee
  • Martha Haythorn
  • Dayna Holbel
    Organizational Member – Emory Autism Center
  • Nandi Isaac
  • Tais Keyser
    Family Member
  • Brook Kubick
    Family Member
  • Lisa Marie Newbern
    Council Chair
  • Evan H. Nodvin
    Executive Committee Member
  • Shaun Owen
    Georgia Department of Education – Designee
  • Sharifa Peart
    Georgia Department of Public Health – Designee
  • Crystal St. Pierre
    Family Member
  • Jennifer Snyder
    Organizational Member - Living Independence for Everyone – LIFE
  • Dr. Zolinda Stoneman
    Institute of Human Development & Disability – University of Georgia
  • Sharia Stripling
    Fort Valley
  • Elana Meyers Taylor
  • Leslie Kate Thornton
    Saint Mary’s
  • Dave Ward
    Organizational Member – Tommy Nobis Center
  • Taesha Ward
    Georgia Department of Community Health – Designee

State Agency Partners

  • Commissioner Russel Carlson
    Georgia Department of Community Health

  • Commissioner Candice L. Broce
    Georgia Department of Human Services
  • Commissioner Kathleen E. Toomey, M.D., M.P.H.
    Georgia Department of Public Health
  • Commissioner Kevin Tanner
    Georgia Department of Behavioral Health & Developmental Disabilities
  • Commissioner Christopher Nunn
    Georgia Department of Community Affairs
  • Executive Director Chris Wells
    Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency