Making a Difference - Spring 2015
Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities' (GCDD) spring edition of Making a Difference quarterly news magazine welcomes spring with coverage of the 2015 Disability Day at the Capitol, where advocates from across the State joined together to honor the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) by promoting access, opportunity and meaningful community living. A recap of the 2015 legislative session gives a summary on the progress made for people with disabilities in the Georgia General Assembly and the Georgia Winter Institute came together again to network, rejuvenate and continue to work to build inclusive, person-centered communities. The magazine also covers the opportunities that self-employment can provide people with disabilities, the execution of Warren Lee Hill and why the law regarding the death penalty for persons with intellectual disabilities in Georgia needs to be changed, and building inclusive communities through partnerships with faith based communities or community cafes. GDDD's signature initiative, Real Communities adds new community builders, and readers are encouraged to sign the ADA pledge to recommit the disability community to the full implementation of the ADA. All this and more will keep you informed about the what's going on in Georgia and the country for people with disabilities.