Mixed Greens Community Builders at Forsyth Farmers' Market
Who We Are: Mixed Greens is a group of Savannah residents with and without disabilities whose primary focus is mindfulness, whole health, and social justice. We began as part of the Forsyth Farmers Market in 2009, bringing hospitality, creating a welcoming community for people of all abilities and backgrounds. We are funded by the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities. The goal of the Georgia Council is to create a more inclusive environment for people with disabilities to empower them to become more active, participate in the community through learning opportunities and community outreach projects.
What We Do: Mixed Greens supports the Forsyth Farmers' Market with smiling faces, interactive projects and learning opportunities while meeting regularly for potlucks and to plan new projects. Additionally, each week at the market, members of Mixed Greens assist with setup and clean-up for the market and staff an education/information booth. In March 2012, Mixed Greens launched the Little Green Wagon project, a mobile garden for youth. Young people stop by the education booth, plant a seed and add a plant to the market with their name. Members of Mixed Greens take care of the plants during the week and bring the mobile garden back to the market on Saturdays so that the young people can stop in, socialize and check on their plant. The Little Green Wagon is still an important part of the Mixed Greens and Forsyth Farmers’ Market experience.
Since January 2015, three part-time co-community builders with disabilities have joined the community building team of Mixed Greens and members take on active leadership roles. The group recently completed their second farmer and gardener stories project that provided many opportunities for everyone to participate by taking pictures, documenting stories via video or audio and acting as connectors between people – which culminated in an art exhibit, Forsyth Farmers’ Almanac, that is showcased during the highly publicized Art March in Savannah.
In 2020 The Real Communities Partnership became the Welcoming Community Movement, which puts emphasis on how communities and people from all backgrounds and abilities can create a more sustainable and just community by bring awareness to issues such as discrimination against people with disabilities racial justice, equal access to resources and for those who are low income and health justice.
Current Projects:
- Mindfulness and Whole Health Session
- Farm Tours
- World Café Dialogue
- Beloved Community Dialogue
- Fundraisers
- Community Outreach