Get the Senate to #ShowUsTheBill!

GCDD Email Save Medicaid 1706

No Cuts! No Caps! #SaveMedicaid 

TODAY (Tuesday, June 20), Senate Republicans will meet to discuss and be briefed on the contents of the Senate version of the AHCA at their caucus lunch from 12:30 to 2 pm. The public has not seen the bill, and Senators have indicated we won't until right before the vote.

We must demand to see the text of the bill and that there be hearings before it goes to a vote.  

Please join us TODAY from 12:30 to 2 PM on social media demanding to see the bill and asking for hearings. Millions of people with disabilities rely on Medicaid - we need to demand that the Senate #ShowUsTheBill. For ideas of what to say, click here!

Please also keep taking action by calling Senators Johnny Isakson and David Perdue! See our Save Medicaid Toolkit at!