Action Alert: GCDD Webinar on Federal Health Care Changes

If you have turned on the news lately, picked up the paper, or tuned in to your favorite radio show, there is a good chance that you already know our US Congress in Washington DC is currently discussing big changes to both Medicaid and our healthcare system.

Phrases like Per Capita Caps, Block Grants, and Repealing the Affordable Care Act have been popping up in conversation, but no one ever takes the time to define them. No one takes the time to talk about what these big changes might mean for Georgians with disabilities.

We are hoping to help.

Next week, Wednesday, March 15 from 1:30 to 2:30 pm, GCDD will be hosting a webinar, with Allison Barkoff of the Center for Public Representation in Washington DC as the main presenter, to help answer many of the questions you have regarding these changes. We here at GCDD have some very serious concerns about how these changes will impact Georgians with disabilities and we want to share them with you.

We know that for many Georgians with disabilities, Medicaid is the lifeline through which services are delivered. Without these services, Georgians with disabilities would not be able to live full and integrated lives in the community.

Remember, in Georgia, Medicaid is also known as the NOW waiver, the Comp waiver, Independent Care Waiver Program (ICWP), Community Care Services Program (CCSP), SOURCE, and the Katie Beckett waiver. That means if you, or your loved one receive these services or are waiting for these services, then any kind of change to Medicaid impacts you.

To access our webinar, go to

To hear the audio, call in at 1-888-355-1249, Code# 232357